Chapter 7...

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Minho POV:


"Oh hey Beomgyu! Sure uh right now or tomorrow?"

"Oh uh, I mean I guess we can? I don't know I'm having a sleepover with Han right now soo"

"Hey shut up!!! But uh I guess tomorrow is alright"

"Sure, send me the info okay?"

"Alright see ya"

I turned off my phone and Han was scrolling through his insta acc. I sighed and got up, "want anything to drink?" I said and Han was ignoring me for some reason.

I don't think he's mad because I didn't kiss him...? I hope

"Alright then, text me if you want something imma go downstairs and grab some snacks okay?" I looked at Han, he was still looking at his phone.

"Ugh whatever ignore me then!" I walked out of my room and went downstairs humming. I went to the fridge and got some ice cream and soda.

Almost on my way upstairs my brother came down, "oh hey bro" I said grabbing some chips too before I left. "Hey" he said, he was a mess, he's lips were dry, he's hair was all around his face, he also had some purple marks on his neck and collarbone. Wait those purple marks where.....HICKEYS, HAH I CUAGHT YOU!

"So who was the special guy who got you like that?" I said looking at him with a teasing face. Hyunjin's face went from normal to a tomato looking like.

"Wha-what you talking about??" Hyunjin said with an embarrassed face. "Oh come on hyung I know sometimes up." I looked at him still with an teasing face but serious.

He sighed, "Okay fine i...I probably got fucked by Felix..." the blonde said scratching his neck. "Oh my god....NO WAY!!!!!!" I screamed like a girl, I think the whole house heard it.

"YOU GOT FUCKED BY FELIX?!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!" I said jumping up and down.
"SHUT UP!!! Everyone can hear you!! And yes I did okay..? Now don't tell anyone please not even mom it's embarrassing" Hyunjin said acting all dramatic.

I giggled at his actions, it was funny "okay okay I won't, now go I think he needs you back!" I was happy for my bro, he finally got with the person he wanted too!!!! "Alright than imma go, well goodnight oh and don't let Han fuck you man" The blonde said walking to the fridge and grabbing water.

"Yeah I'm not you I'm not letting him fuck me! And if I do I own you 100,000 won" I said to him with a serious face.

"Okay then deal and if you get fucked or kiss today you own me" he said as he shrugged his eyes and laughed

"Okay, but actually ima go before he thinks I ran away or something, bye bro" Hyunjin said making his way to his own room.

Sigh, that was funny but now imma own him 100,000 won, cuz I bet Han going to try to kiss me. Oh god ughhh...whatever Ima go upstairs.

I made it safely to the room without spilling anything. "Yo I brought snacks come get some if you want" I said to Han not looking at him.

"K whatever" Han said with a cold tone. "Okay Han why you are mad?" I had enough so I asked him.

Still no answer from Han. Right now he's acing like we're a couple, that make zero sense. "Okay Han are you talking or ima make you sleep on the guest room!" I said Han didn't answer once again so I only had one time to do.

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