Chapter 12...

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Han's POV

I closed my eyes and I felt something...

Lips on mines....soft lips...

It was a sweet warm and a hungrily kiss. Something I been dreaming about this past months I have known Minho.. I never thought this was going to be true and mostly in my house and on my bed, this is probably the best thing I've dream of. When we pulled after a few minutes which felt like years, I was panting and Minho was too. He had a smirk on his face looking at me, breathless also.

I felt my cheeks and ears turn red, holding in my breath as Minho kept looking at me with those shiny brown almond eyes. I looked away as Minho looked like he was going to talk. "Is Hannie speechless? Awh so cute" Minho said as he grabbed my chin making me look directly at him, with a smirk on his face. "You're so cute baby...the fact that we changed roles is funny" he laughed softly, making eye contact with me.. "you used to be the flirty one and now I'm the one making the first step and flirting, it's so funny, what happened to you being top, Hm?" He giggled pulling me closer to him. "W-what are you talking about?! I'm still top!...I-I'm just shocked!" I said as I looked at how our lips were less than an inch close once again.

He chuckled and shook his head, "sure baby. Whatever you say, let's just see in a few days you will see how dominate I am." I giggled and gave him a smirk, my shocking moment was gone, I could finally do what I been craving for this past months. "Heh, are you sure about it? Cuz I know for a fact you ain't dominant at all" I smirk then closed the gap we had. Minho gasped as our lips touched, they fit perfectly like a missing piece of  cheese in a sandwich...

Minho tried to be the dominate in this kiss, but I had better ideas. I pulled away just to get off of his lap and make him lay down on the bed. "Hyung! what are yo-" I kissed him again, cutting him from finishing his sentence. 

The kiss started to get heated, I bit his bottom lip which made him moan quietly and open his mouth a bit, just enough for me to insert my tongue in his mouth. He groaned as he try to fight for dominance, but sadly he didn't win. I took over the control and the kiss started to get better. Minho moved his hands from my face to  my neck, he crossed them and got more closer to make the kiss better. My tongue explored everything inside Minho mouth. It was a mix of sour and sweet, his lips tasted like Kiwi and strawberry Chapstick.

He pulled away from the make out session we just had, his lips were red and chapped, we both were panting. "Th-that was the best make out session I ever had" Minho said through his panting. "Of course baby I gotta give you the best of the best make out session" I laughed and Minho shook his head giggling. "Now what? Hm?" Minho asked as he still was sitting on my lap. "Hmmm, anything you want baby~" I told him as I started sucking his neck. "Mhm~ not that" he pushed my head away and shook his head. "Nope, not that" he said pulling away from my neck , "Awh why not~" I said as I pout. "Because I say so, now let's order food im hungry." He said as he got off me, "you really had to get off my lap? We are literally gonna order online~" i groaned and looked away from Minho. "Just order Im hungryyyy!!" He said as he giggled. I sighed and shook my head laughing too, "fine."

Hours later

"Hannie!! Stoppp doing that!" Minho said in a pleasure voice, "Just wait baby it will get better" I told him as I grabbed his hair. "Stopp that's hurts!! That's why I said no earlier!!" Minho continue  complaining but who wouldn't when someone is literally pulling your hair trying to brush it.

"Stop moving and it will not hurt! Listen to your elders eh" I grab another piece of his hair as I try to untangle it. "Don't you see it hurts like fuck! Just let it be tangled it doesn't really matter" Minho said as he tried to stand up, "no you are staying here until I'm done brushing your hair without any tangles" I told him calming as I pulled him back to the side of the bed.

"Ughhhh you're so annoying Hyung!" He said as he sat back down on the bed. "Yeah yeah yeah whatever brat, learn how to respect your elders too" I rolled my eyes, Minho just sighed and stopped moving.

Third person POV:

As the two boys were done, it was finally 1:43am. "I think we need to sleep" the younger said as he yawned, The Quokka boy one nodded "I think we should, it's pretty late already" The younger nodded and lay down on the bed while the older turned of the lights.

"Goodnight Hyung, thank you for letting me stay a few days....I really appreciate it" The greyish hair boy said as he started to fall asleep. "Of course honey, always count on me when you have problems" I told him, giving a small smile even though the older really can't see it cuz of the light.

"Goodnight baby" "Goodnight Hyung...I love you..." Minho said in a whisper, sadly Han didn't hear what Minho said so he just left it like that and felt asleep.

lol I'm sorry for not being able to post 😭😭 school got on the way then I had no time to write anything, but I'm back!!! Summer break is here sooo I have time to write
I hope y'all doing good and have an amazing day/night I love y'all so much<33
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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