Chapter 10...

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3rd person POV:

"It was.."

Minho finally saw who it was the one and only Choi beomgyu...Minho couldn't believe that he saw Beomgyu with his own eyes. "Wasn't he dead..?!" The boy said looking at Beomgyu with watery eyes. He stood up and ran to Beomgyu and hugged him.

"Where were you?! Why didn't you answer me?!! Why did you leave that note saying that you were going to get kill?!!" Minho started to cry in Beomgyu shoulder, still hugging him. "Why...just why...? Explain to me beom..." The boy asked while sobbing in the other one's shoulder. Beomgyu hugged Minho back, patting his back, "i didn't meant to scare you Min...I actually almost got killed, I'm being serious right now..but thank this this guy next to me I didn't die.." Beomgyu said, his voice started to crack.

Minho was still sobbing, "h-he did..?" Minho pulled away from the hugged and looked at the tall pinkish hair boy. "Hello! I'm Choi Yeonjun!" Yeonjun said putting his hand out so Minho could shake his hand, but the younger had a different idea. He hugged Yeonjun, sobbing, "thank you so much...I-i don't know how to repay you..! You saved my best friends life....omg thank you, thank you, thank you...!" The boy kept sobbing and hugging Yeonjun tighter.

"Your welcome Minho, it was no problem! I couldn't leave one of my students on the floor injured" Yeonjun said as he pat Minhos back.
"Wa-wait your his teacher?" The boy pulled away from the hug, sniffing and looking confused. "Yep, he's my teacher" Minho looked at Beomgyu with a '0' face. "He actually this year, he's only 6 years older than me his 7 year older than you though" Beomgyu smiled at Minho, but Minho wasn't smiling or anything he was confused, he wanted to know how everything did Mr. Choi find Beomgyu...

Beomgyu noticed how Minho wasn't saying anythin, he sighed and then looked at Yeonjun, he nodded and Beomgyu looked back at Minho. "Come sit here..." Beomgyu said patting the sit next to him, Minho nodded and sat down.

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Yeonjun was making his way to his classroom. Room 365. He didn't think of anything weird, he was just peacefully making his way. He open the door and turned on the lights, but when he turned on the lights he wasn't expecting to see one of his students on the floor, head full of blood.

He immediately grab the boy in a bridal way, and ran to the nurse, he thought he didn't have more time so he didn't bring him to the hospital first and went to the nurse and after that he would go to the hospital.

When he entered the room the nurse was shocked and told the nurse what happened. 30 minutes later, the boy opened his eyes and looked around while getting up from the bed. "Wh-where am I?" The boy asked to tall boy, with a confused face he also looked around.

"You're in the nurse room, kid" the tall boy said to the shorter one. "W-why what happened..?" The boy touched his head and felt bandages around his head. "I don't know beomgyu, I just found you on the floor with blood flooding down your head." The tall answered the other one. "....oh I remember now.." Beomgyu said looking away, holding in his tears.

"What happened Beomgyu? Tell me, we can't leave this like this" he said with a soft tone while looking at Beomgyu, Beomgyu looked at him and opened his mouth but nothing came out.

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