Chapter 8...

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Minho POV:

It has been three weeks since I met Han and we had that sleepover. Since that day has been more clingy and more intense. He's always giving dirty looks to Beomgyu though, nothing has changed.

"Min" Han looked at me with a confused expression, "yeah?" I said looking at him. "Haven't Hyunjin and Felix being a little to close this past days?" He said looking at me like a Quokka. Omggggg he's looks so cuteeeee ekkk!!!

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, him and my brother fucked the time you came over my house" Han had a shocked expression "HUH!!!!!??? You're saying that they fucked and I didn't know?!!!" I nodded. "And you couldn't even tell me!!!!??"

"You never asked me!!! So don't blame me" I said while crossing my arms. "True but still!! It has been three whole weeks and i didn't know?!!" The quokka boy said. "Sorry, I just forgot and you never asked so, but hey why didn't you ask Felix?" I said looking at him.

"Uhhhh...maybe I forgot..." Han said with his gummy smile. I looked at him with a 'bruh' face and shook my head. "You're blaming me but you didn't even ask" I said still with a 'bruh' face. "Sorrryyy I forgot" he said again looking like a quokka.

"Okay mr quokka" I giggled when I called him that. He just looked at me almost with heart eyes. "I like that nickname" he said smiling from ear to ear. "When don't you like the nicknames I give you?" I said jokingly rolling my eyes.

The quokka boy shrugged, "true though, I don't know when I don't like the nicknames." He said smiling. "Exactly, now come on class is about to start" he nodded and we started to walk.

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Time skip
Lunch break

Beomgyu POV:

I was looking for Minho at the cafeteria, then I saw him with Han. I'm used to it since he doesn't leave Minho side at all. But for some reason he doesn't like me, he hates me and I can tell.

I walked up to Minho and greeted him as always. "Hey love" I said to him, the nickname is for it to sound better. "Oh hi bae" he said and smiled at me, I smiled at him but on the corner of my eye I saw Han looking at me with a death stare like always.

"Soo you have anything plan for this weekend?" I said sitting next to Minho. "No not really why?" He said looking at me and Han looking at Minho. "Oh I just wanted to hang out with you!" "Ohh okay su-" "actually he's going to hang out with me this week, I'm sorry he's not going to be able to hang out with you..maybe you should had asked before." Han said to me with an evil smile.

"Oh that's fine, call me when you're free alright?" I said to Minho and he nodded. He looked speechless at what Han had said. "You're eating better now? Finally!!" I said to Minho which I received a nod from him. "My brother making me, you know how he is" he said with a giggled.

"Yeah, of course he's going to make you eat" I said giggling. Han was getting more pissed, and I still don't understand why he hates me man.

"Well ima go, ima go meet up with Jungkook, he wanted to hang out so yeah" I said with a fake smile, of course I wasn't going to hang out with Jungkook he wasn't even in school today, but I wanted to get away from Han since it looks like he's getting more pissed.

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