Chapter 5...

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Minho POV:
"So I have a question to ask."

Han said, he's hands going down to my waist. "Wh-what is it..?" Why am I stuttering?!!!! "So.." he started to put his hands around my waist.

Blush started to creep to my face. "I was wondering something..." he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Y-you w-was won-wondering w-what..?" I continued stuttering more and looked at his shiny chocolate brown eyes. I could never get tired of seeing them.

Jisung POV:
I looked at Minho, and oh my god he's so cute. I grabbed him by his shoulder making my way to his waist, "so.." I said while putting my hands around his waist, it was small, perfectly fitting on my hands. I saw how he was blushing so ofc I had to make him blush more.

"I was wondering something..." I said while caressing his cheek with my thumb. Oml he looked so cute in this position. He's hands on my chest, he's cute doe eyes, his fluffy hair. Everything he did or has is cute just like him.

Something I know for a fact is that, he would look cuter in different positions, not only this position~ "Y-you w-was won-wondering w-what..?" He stuttered more which made him even cuter

He needs to be mine already...I can't wait to kiss him and do more stuff with him...

Minho POV:
I kept looking at him, until he talked "so, I was wondering if you could be my tutor?" Han said, still grabbing me by my waist. He pulled me closer to his body. My hands resting on his chest . We could hear our breath, it was heavy. "So, what do you say?" Yes or no?" Han said to me looking deeply into my eyes, with a sweet gummy smile. Lovely waiting for me to answer him. "Uh..sure I don't see why not.!" I said to him with a smile, my hands were still on his chest which was making me fold.

"Good! Is today okay?" He let my waist go, while asking, FINALLYYY!!!! I WAS ABOUT TO PASS OUT! "Uhh, sure I don't have anything to do anyways." I looked up to him with a smile, still with rosy pink cheeks.

The brunette nodded and got his phone out and handed it to me. I looked at his phone then up to him with a confused face. "Why are you giving me your phone?" I looked at him still confused, Han chuckled and shook his head. "It's for you to give me ur number, how am I going to go over your house later silly" I got more red from embarrassment "oh..yeah haha.." I grabbed his phone and inserted my number. I gave him his phone back "here" he grabbed it and put it back in his pocket.

"Well see ya after school yeah? And I will also text you later"I nodded and he started to walk away. He waved at me from far away. After he disappeared in the crowd I got so red that I went to the bathroom running. The fact that everyone saw him grabbing my waist and being so close together made me embarrassed. What was he thinking!!???? We are in school!!!!! Omgg I'm!!!!!

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Time skip
After school

I got home, took my shoes off, went to greet my mom and went straight to my room. It was a master room with a big bathroom jacuzzi included, big closet and a king side bed with a lot of plushies. I also have a gaming setup but it's in a different room.

I layed down on my bed, closing my eyes, almost passing out until my phone rang. I grabbed it and turned it on. It was a text from an unknown number, I didn't know who it was so I just unlocked my phone and got in the chat.

(143) 771-335

(143) 771-335
    Helloooo :)

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