Chapter 1, Sarah

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3 months before Luca

"Brian? Are you home?" I walk into my apartment, exhausted from working over time and attending my college classes. I'm graduation this summer and can't wait to finally tour with my friends. Our band isn't really all that popular yet, but the fact we found some sponsors to help us get out there really excites me. When I heard the news from Angelica I rushes home to tell my boyfriend. Long story short we are high school sweet hearts.

I take off my sneakers, hanging up my jacket. I hear faint voices coming from further into the apartment. I didnt see Brians car in the lot, so i assume he got a ride with one of his friends after the bar. Thinking someone's in my apartment i grab the baseball bat my brother gave me, gripping it tight as i slowly made my way toward the sounds. My brother always said, "dont seek the danger Sarah, always run from it."

I was never inclined to listen to him, especially since we're 5 years apart and he was already out of the house by the time i was a freshman in high school. Still, he did everything in his power to protect me from any and everything. I didnt grow up in the city, but instead on the country side of New York. My brother and his wife moved out of the state and decided to live near her family in Chicago, their home is gorgeous. But i cant find myself leaving my mom behind. She needs me. Her and my brother never go along growing up since our dad left when i was 10. Drugs was always more important to him then his family, mom loved the idea of him being her first love. She couldnt let go. Til this day, she still cant, and it breaks my heart. I met Brian my freshman year, total cliche of our love story. I was the popular cheerleader and he was the schools star athlete. We dated all throughout high school and even now through college. When he finally gathered the courage to ask me to move in with him, i jumped right at the opportunity. That was only 3 months ago, we fight more now that we live together, but lately hes been distant and i have been craving for him to touch me, hold me. Just yesterday he told me he was going to the bar with a few of his buddies from class and would be back late. Usually it would bother me but i had to work and well, he doesnt.

As im creeping down the hallway toward our bedroom, the muffled noises i heard when i first walked in werent voices, they were moans. The door is cracked, and as i get closer to the room i see two naked people in my bed. As i was approaching the door, a woman's cry stopped me in my tracks, "Oh, my God, Brian!"

My stomach knots, and in the back of my mind was doubt. 'No. This cant me my Brian. He- he wouldnt cheat on me. Especially not in MY bed.'

I slowly open the door, watching their bodies tangled around eachother, his hips thrusting into her. My eyes sting with unshed tears, my heart pounding against my chest as the anger fills up inside of me like hot lava. The woman slowly opens her eyes and latches onto my fiery gaze and screams so loud, im sure the neighbors might have throughly someone was being murdered in here. The thought crossed my mind, but im not that stupid.

Brian springs up, and turns around finding me in the doorway clenching my brothers baseball bat. I have no intentions of letting it go. My body is screaming to swing the bat across his head and watching him bleed out, but what would that solve? I would be a murderer and would have utterly ruined my life and for what? A, for a piece of shit that cheats on me in MY bed.

"Sarah! Wha- what are you doing home?" He stammered. I arched my eyebrow, looking at him like the dead man he is. "Are you seriously asking me why im in MY apartment?!" I shout. He slowly gets him self up and off the whore he has laying in my sheets, and tries to walk toward me, naked. I roll my eyes, his dick isnt all that impressive now that i really look at it. And now that im infuriated with him and his presence, he was never all that good in bed either. How i never realized it til now baffles me, but i guess that's what love does to you. Makes you stupidly blind.

Luca; Love and liesWhere stories live. Discover now