Chapter 16, Sarah&Luca

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"Dont worry, i'll make sure to get extras." I was on my way to my OB appointment, when Amber called me hounding me with questions and demands that i get enough ultrasounds for her to look at. "We're about to pull in, i'll call you when i leave okay? Now go and study, that final isn't going to pass itself."

I end the call right as Tony pulls into the drop off lane. "I'll go up, you can wait in the car. I dont want to bore you with the wait." I went to get out but he stopped me, "Boss told me to not take my eye off you."

"Tony, i am not walking into my OB appointment with you. They will assume you're the father and i dont want to have that awkward conversation when i have to explain why you're not."

He frowns at me, not dropping the subject. I sigh, "Fine, you can wait in the lobby, but thats the farthest you're going got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

I opened my mouth to protest the name, but he was already getting out and at my door. He opens it giving me a terse nod. When he walks me inside, his head is on a swivel and i feel so embarrassed right now. "Please go sit down over there, you're making me nervous." He parted his lips to say that phrase again but i cut him off, "And dont call me ma'am. Okay?"

He pursed his lips, with a firm nod and went to sit down. I shake my head and head to the receptionist desk. "Hi, i have an appt with Dr. black on the 6th floor?" I told her. She types on her computer before giving me a smile and lets me go to the elevator.

When i finally found the doctors office, it was eerily quiet. It didn't bother me that much at all, my social anxiety would probably make my nerves worse at this moment. A beautiful blonde woman with bright blue eyes welcomes me. "Your name miss?"

"Sarah Sca-," I stopped myself, i smiled shaking my head, "Sarah Russo, my appointment is at 230."

"Ah yes, Mrs. Black will be with you shortly." she gave me some papers to fill out before i headed to the waiting area. I dont even remember the last time i filled out paperwork this long. My hand already hurts. I fall back against the chair when my phone vibrates in my bag. I pull it out, i got messages from Amber 16 attachments of neutral color baby clothes for twins. She makes me laugh, but sometimes she goes just a bit over board. Next was my brother, i had told Jackson the night i was at the hospital. Of course him being who he is wanted to drive back to the city at nearly midnight with his 2 girls to see if i was alright, but i talked him down.

Jack: I want to see photos of my future nephews.

Me: How do you know their boys? They could be girls.

Jack: A girl and a boy, thats the best i can do.

I quietly laugh to myself, as if he could pick and choose the gender of growing kids. The last message was from Luca.

Baby: I really wish i could be there. I'll see you soon my beautiful wife.

Me: Not your wife yet.

Baby: You will be. Gotta go, I love you.

Me: Love you too amore.

"Mrs. Russo?" the doctor announced, and somehow my head sprung up to meet her face. Luca was going to pay for this later.

She walked me into the exam room, a small monitor next to the exam table. "I will be back, please remove your pants dress yourself with the sheet provided." When she left room, I did as she said. It felt weird being this exposed, and it was bringing back vague memories that i would prefer not think about. These babies were my future, Luca was my future. I will not live in my past anymore, im going to keep moving forward.

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