chapter 12, Luca

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"Just lock him in the basement, im too irritated to hear his whining right now Ricardo." I order through my phone. I pull into the underground garage of my penthouse. Parking my car i sit back into my seat, "Should i put him with Lenny? Maybe they'll go at each others throats." A sadistic laugh comes from my brothers mouth.

"Ricardo  that's enough. Just go home and fuck your wife already." I get out of my car holding my phone to my ear as i stride to the elevator.

"At least one of us is getting something today." He ends the call and i step into the elevator. I lean against the mirrored walls, closing my eyes. Today was stressful. My shoulders and neck are stiff from driving  all day.

Also on the phone with my cousin Alessia talking me ear off about how me taking her oldest son under my wing for the foreseeable future had her in tears. I had to talk her down and console her for the hours i was driving back to New York.

Gio was a good kid, had his head on straight. He'd do great here. I guaranteed his parents that when the day came, he would still become underboss of New Jersey with no further problems. It was only then did they agree. Gio would come to New York next week after Rebeccas birthday party. It was his only condition.

The doors opens and i walk into my suspected empty penthouse. I heard muffled noises coming from upstairs. I unholster my gun, quietly making my way up the stairs case. I reached my bedroom door, its cracked but i couldnt see passed it. I grab the door knob and swing open the door pointing my gun at the shadow. A yelp sounded and my vision cleared.

"Sarah?" I quickly holstered my pistol and strode over to her. "I thought you were in Rochester with Amber. How did you even get back here?"

"I-I took a taxi." She was shivering, her hair damp. It was then i realized that she was just in a towel. The light from the night stand was the only light in the room. I was so tired that i hadnt even noticed the steam coming from the bathroom. I pulled her into my chest, "I'm sorry i came in here guns blazing. It's been a long day."

He pulled back slightly to look up at me, "Was everything okay?"

(Recommend listening to jaws by sleep token when reading this next part. Put it on repeat if you must)

As much as i wanted to share my day with her, we had more pressing matters to talk about. Brian could wait. Pulling her to the bed, we sat on the foot of the bed. "Turn around, let me brush your hair."

Her eyes widened, "Dont look at me like that, i have a younger sister. I've had tons of practice." She gave me a small smile, handing me the brush as she turns away from me. I moved her hair away from her shoulder briefly, brushing my lips over her skin, taking in her scent. She smelt of her vanilla and cinnamon shampoo and body wash.

I nibbled her skin, growling, "Mine."

She giggled softly, "I thought you were going to brush my hair." I smiled against her skin. Sitting up straight i ran her brush through her hair, her locks curling at the ends. I cant believe this woman sitting in front of me ever thought i didnt care about her. My brows pinched together and my body tensed. I set the brush down on the bed. I turned her to face me. "Baby why would you think i dont care about you?"

She frowned and bowed her head. I tilted her head up to meet my eyes, "Dont ever bow your head to me. You are nothing less than a fucking queen Sarah. Do you understand me?" Her eyes bore into mine before they softened and she nodded. "I'm sorry for my actions earlier. I had too much to drink and my insecurities took over."

"When have i ever given you a reason to think i didnt care? That you were any less than fucking beautiful."

Tears were filling her eyes, one escaped and i wiped it away with the pad of my thumb. "My mind likes to play games with me sometimes. The night we made love at the lake, i felt like i had disappointed you somehow. Im not sure why. The look on your face when Enzo called, and the way you looked to me looked like you were disgusted with me." Her eyes searching the room, i could tell she couldnt keep eye contact with me. I cupped the sides of her face and crashed my lips onto hers.

Luca; Love and liesWhere stories live. Discover now