Chapter 7, Sarah

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I woke up around 530 and i felt something warm around my body. When i opened my eyes fully, i noticed i was clinging to Luca's warm body. I dont remember him staying the night, but i also dont remember getting such a good night sleep after the 2 orgasms he had given me last night. I have to admit, i didnt expect to have sex with Luca, at least not this soon, but it felt so right. Call me naive but Luca gives me the sense of comfort being around him. I can tell him anything and he doesnt judge me. We had a long road ahead with whatever this was between us. We are far from an actual relationship, i mean i barely know the guy, but most woman sleep with strangers with less knowledge.

I tried breaking my away from his hold, not wanting to wake him up. I needed to get ready for my classes, even though they didnt start for another 3 hours, but i really needed to shower. When i tried to pry his arm from around my waist he stirred and his eyes shot open. I snapped my gaze to him and his gray eyes stared into mine.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

God even his morning voice was hot, what is wrong with me. "Yes, but i need to get up and shower. My classes start at 845 and i still need to grab breakfast."

"I can take you, i have to get to work soon as well." He looked at me with a soft expression. Butterflies formed inside of me, i cant remember the last time Brian ever made me feel this way. Probably the day he first kissed me when we were 15, but i cant remember anytime after that. With Luca it wasnt just the physical touch that made my skin melt, but it was the way he looked and spoke to me. Such kindness, and assurance.

"I can drive you know, but amber and i prefer to take the subway. It's more convenient than sitting in traffic everyday."

He hummed, rubbing his fingers up my spine causing me to shiver under the delicate feeling. "Where do you work anyway?" I asked him, his hand stilled on back before turning his gaze at the ceiling. "I own night clubs all over the city, but i mainly work everywhere."

I raised my brows in shock, "so you're a club owner but you said that in your line of business youd take care of the Brian situation. How does that even make sense, you gonna give him alcohol poisoning."

Luca regarded me, his expression cold and reserved, "I'm a man of many talents Sarah, you dont need to worry your pretty self about it. I will take care of that stronzo."

I couldnt help but giggle at the way he growled at the Italian curse word. My mom's mother, my Nona, would call my grandpa that every time she caught him smoking a cigar in her home. "Whats so funny baby." He smiled.

"My Nona called my grandpa that when she would get mad at him. He was a man of very many talents as well, but he never told anyone about it. Especially me and Jackson, being that my father wasn't Italian he disowned my mom, but he never stopped us from coming around. He would tell us, 'you need to know where your roots come from princepessa.' But he died before we were old enough to understand what he was talking about. My Nona lives in Italy now," I grew sad at how much i missed her. She never judged me for being with Brian, but then again she was a woman of heart, she always saw the good in people even if they were bad. I guess i take after her in the sense.

"Have you seen her?" Luca tipped my chin up, boring his eyes into mine as if he was looking for lost treasure. I relaxed into him, "No, with school and my internship coming up in the spring and fall it was never easy to travel outside the country."

"You will one day. I know you will." He places a soft kiss on my lips, fire growing in my chest. When he pulled away i had so many questions i wanted to ask him, but i didnt have the time or the guts to ask him. So instead i wriggled against him, clambering over his muscular body, straddling him. My brown curls curtaining the side of his face as i leaned down, his hands placed on my thighs as he squeezed them.

Luca; Love and liesWhere stories live. Discover now