Chapter 21, Sarah

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Enzo and i have been at this for 2 hours already. My stomach was grumbling, and my eyes hurt from staring at the computer screen. I fall back to the couch with a tired sigh, "This is pointless, we'll never find out who this woman is."

I picked up the picture, i examined it so many times and i just couldn't figure it out. My nonna was the second oldest daughter in the family of 7 brothers. Only her sister didn't have blonde hair, we tried cousins, aunts, distance relatives and nothing.  I looked at the woman again, i noticed a black spot on her ankle. I tried to get a good look at it, but couldn't make it out.

"Hey Enzo, can you make this out? It might be a tattoo?" He looks hard at it, slightly squinting his eyes. A moment later his eyes widened. He turned back to his laptop typing away. He looked more focused than before.

"Something wrong?"

"Is this her?" He shows me a picture of a beautiful blonde woman, i put the photo side by side and it was. Her name was Anna Despaccio, she would have been around 78 this year but she died in an unexplained accident here in the states. She had a daughter by the name Amalia Despaccio who later married...

"Oh my god.." I drawled. My hand flying to my mouth. "We have to tell Luca." Enzo says jumping up. "But wait! What does this lady have to do with my nonna? I mean they looked like they were close, and they were even pregnant together. Look."

I grabbed his laptop, "See here, it says he had an older brother around my moms age. He died 15 years ago during a mob related incident just outside Sicily. I cant imagine that my nonna and nonno were apart of the mafia. It would have been noticeable. right?"

Enzo had a confused look on his face, as if he was calculating something. "We need Luca. He's know what it means. Come." He strides to the office door, i follow after him and Tony behind us. Enzo wasn't as tall as Luca, about 6'1 give or take, but his long legs made walking difficult for me to catch up with. When we got outside the cell wall, screams filtered through.

"Maybe you should stay out here Ms. Scaletta." Tony touched my shoulder, "No." i said firmly. "I need answers!" He looked to Enzo who shrugged his shoulders and opened the door. Seeing Luca and Ricky standing in front of Franco, they turn and their shirts are covered crimson.

"What are you doing in here vita mia." Luca says to me in a very unhinged tone. I shake it off, stalking passed him cocking back my fist and connecting it to Francos face. His head swings to the side, blood flying all over the floor.

"You're going to tell me who your grandmother is and why she was pictured here with my nonna. Where the fuck is she? There is no records of her death Franco."

He slowly brings his face to mine, his evil grin covered with blood. "What do you know about that whore huh?" He spits out. I took a step back. "What do you mean?" I was confused, why would his nonna be a whore?

He actually laughs, so unbelievably evil that it twists my stomach, "Anna Despaccio was a whore. After she had my mother she ran off to the states to be with her lover. So my grandfather had her disposed of. Your grandmother new about it, they were sisters."

My heart sinks, stomach churning at the thought that im some how related to this sick fuck. Only when he wanted to marry me, he didn't know my nonna was well, my nonna. "But, my nonna said that she only had one sister. The lady in the picture was her best friend Maria Romano. Why does her name come back as Anna despaccio?"

He laughs again, i dont find this in the least funny. "Well i guess that makes us cousins does it bella, fuck. Must run in your side of the family to run off with outsiders. Your mother did it, now look at her, a drunk that lives alone."

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