Chapter 15, Sarah

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Its been 2 months since we've been in the Hamptons. Luca's been busy at work and ive been trying to finish up my credits for graduation in 3 months. Its the middle of April now, the spring weather feels amazing. I spend my time in my own penthouse during the day, getting some laundry and school work done before going over to Luca's penthouse at night. We barely getting to see each other these last couple weeks, but it doesn't stop us from having alone time.

I go into the kitchen to grab some water and felt really dizzy. I have been spending alot of time not really sleeping and eating the last few days. "Hey you okay?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, just need to eat something. I haven't had anything to eat since this morning when we stopped by the cafe." Opening the fridge i grab an apple and eggs. Maybe an omelet will help. "You need to eat more then just eggs Sarah. Let me order you some real food."  When she walks away to order some food, i turn back to the fridge and everything goes black. I see stars and i dont remember anything after that.


"Oh my god, Sarah!!" I screamed. She fell back and hit her head against the granite island before ending up on the floor. Theres blood everywhere and i wasn't sure weather to call Ricky or 911. I dial Ricky right away, he's with Luca, maybe they'll know what to do. The phone rings non stop, "Come on ricky answer the fucking phone." When it goes to voicemail, i hang up and try again.

"Fuck me Ricky, of all times for you not to answer the fucking phone!"

Sarah groans, and stirs herself awake, but then she stops moving again. "Oh shit Sarah, please dont die on me. For the love of-."

"Baby, I'm busy right now can i call you back?" Ricky says in hushed tone. "Jesus fucking christ Ricardo, i have been calling you forever. Look Sarahs been hurt."

Silence on fell on the phone, "Hello?!" he didn't answer, "Ricky!! Dammit!"

"I'm here baby, what happened. Where are you?"

  "I'm at our penthouse, well sarahs penthouse, we were talking about ordering food and then she just fainted, but she hit her head really bad. Theres blood everywhere ricky. What..what if she..oh god."

I hear the sounds of Luca barking orders, and the roar of Ricky's duccati. "Dont think that way baby, she isn't going anywhere got me? Is she still breathing?"

"I dont know how to do that Ricardo, i studied to be an engineer not a doctor." I'm starting to spiral, this is my best friend, my sister. I cant lose her, id be so lost without her. "Amber!" Ricky snaps.

"I-I'm here." I stammered.

"Is her chest rising and falling." He shouts. I looked at her chest and it was moving but not nearly enough. "Yes it..its moving, but its not getting high enough. I dont know Ricky. I-." I started to sob, i couldn't do this, I have never felt this helpless before.

"Is there alot of blood?"

"Yes, so much blood Ricky." I sniffled. "Take a towel, and press it to her head, Luca and i will be there soon. Call 911 okay?"

"O-okay." I end the call with Ricky and dial 911. I was hyperventilating by this time and the dispatcher was being a total cunt. I think i told her to fuck off at one point, but then i heard sirens and relief fell over me. The ping of the elevator sounded and started moving down to the under ground garage. "Its all going to be okay Sarah, theyre going to save you i promise. Just please, please dont leave me okay? You promised."

A few moments later, Luca and Ricky come rushing in. Luca bends down to Sarah, trying to get her to wake up, but with no luck. Ricky lifts me to my feet and im stammering i cant even find the right words, so he just holds me and rubs my back. "Everythings going to be alright baby. Shh." Usually the sound of his voice consoles me, but this is my fucking best friend lying on the floor in her own blood. What if she doesn't make it?

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