2017, The Clone Wars had entered in it's first spring. Jay was enjoying his new life on Earth, even diving deep into it's history. While in America, he researched the history of the country. Much like his birth planet, Coruscant, Jay had been following politics. The United States has elected it's first Woman President and a new Republican party, The Progressive Republican Party, formed by progressive and moderate Republicans, was formed. This party was political party was form in the wake of the biggest political scandal in U.S. History. Jay was, indeed, shocked by this. But, he chose not to get involve. His master told him Politicians have no voice in Jedi Matters. After a few missions, Jay decided to take a walk around Washington. Jay head taken part on some missions on his new home in America and for the Republic. He was even involved in some battles with his master and his troops of Zusho Battalion. But, one mission in particular forever establish his position as a military leader. That would be the Mission of Boz Pity.
Earlier, ARC Trooper Commander Hammer and his troops of Rancor Battalion have been taken prisoners by the Separatists and members of Death Watch, led by Pre Vizsla. They were being held on a planet called Boz Pity. On Earth, Jay was meditating and sharping up on his skills through the Forces. Through the Force, he saw visions, along with hearing voices, of the past, the present and the future. After hearing those voices, and seeing those visions, he began to wonder what do they mean and when will they happen. Before he could investigate, Kaila Saretti, Kandra's apprentice, arrived at Jay's Quarters with a message from Master Windu. That message was for a mission from the Jedi to rescue Commander Hammer and his troops on the planet of Boz Pity at the hands of Death Watch and the Separatists. Accepting the mission, Jay traveled to the planet of Kamino to meet with his troops. Once he arrived, he met up with his troops and, after an inspection and the introduction of new troops to the battalion, Jay relied to them the mission. He and his troops, along with Captain Fordo and Vinare Nadlene, are to travel to Boz Pity to rescue Commander Hammer and his troops. He instructed his troops to gear up and prepare to move out. Once the troops gathered their things, Jay and his battalion moved out to Boz Pity.
In Hyperspace, Jay went over the battle plans. He would take a squad of troops, include Shido Squad, inside the base to locate Commander Hammer and his troops and get them out. Once they are out, they would deal with Dead Watch, the droids, gather intel & destroy the base. With a plan in place, Jay and his troops arrived on the planet and began landing their troops. Private Tho of Shido Squad, whose number is CT 1769, finished jamming all of the droids and Death Watch comm networks so they won't call for reinforcements. Jay instructed his troops to move like phantoms; meaning he wants light and noise discipline during the march. They were told to communicate with hand signals and keeps your heads and a swivel and your fingers on your troopers. Once they arrived at the Separatists/ Death Watch base, while staying out of their site, they saw a company of droids, three Kom'rk-class fighter/transports, seventy two Death Watch Members. A few of them propose to blast them before taking the base. Jay overruled them; fearing the enemy will know they are here if they began firing on them. Then, an idea floated in to Jay's mind. He took Mandalorian Armor from a lone Death Watch member who was patrolling the area. He also took out a BX Commando Droid in the process. Taking a page from Rex's book, Jay posed at a BX Commando Droid in Death Watch Armor to get inside. Once it was successful, Jay and his team made their way inside; taking the command center and locating Hammer and his troops who are being held in the detention level. While the troops began planting explosives, Jay traveled to the detention level where Hammer and his troops are being held. Freeing him and his troops, Jay led them to the command center to regroup and moved out of the base.
After leaving the base, Private Tho blew up the command center, which alerted the droids and Death Watch. Once Jay and his group arrived back, the Republic launched their attack. Arriving to help Jay and his battalion, are units of the 69th Legion, 241st Battalion, Senth Platoon & the 76th Legion. While the Clones, droids and Mandalorians fought, Jay and Vinare clashed with Bo-Katan and Pre Vizsla. The tide of battle soon turn in favor of the Republic. What was left of the droids and members of Death Watch retreated and both Vizsla and Bo-Katan were defeated. After defeating Vizsla, Jay held the famed Darksaber; a saber once belonged to the first Mandalorain inducted into the Jedi Order, named Tal Vizsla. According to legend, Vizsla created a unique lightsaber called the Darksaber. After his passing, the Jedi kept the saber in their temple until members of House Vizsla snuck in and liberated it. They used the saber to unify the people of Mandalore and strike down those who would oppose them. It is said at one time, they ruled all of Mandalore wielding this blade. In his mind, Jay saw himself as the ruler of Mandalore and in charge of Death Watch. If he did rule Mandalore, he would abandon his role as a Jedi, fight to keep Duchess Satine Kryze in power and pledge Mandalore's support for the Republic and would die on the throne at old age. But, he chose not to take the Darksaber and rule Mandalore. He tossed the Darksaber at the down Vizsla, which shocked Vinare. "Why?" She asked "What give up the saber?" "I will not rule Mandalore." He replied. "My loyalties are to the Jedi Order, the Clone Army and the Galactic Republic." And with that, he left the landing pad to return to the Clones. Vinare stayed for a moment and gazed at Vizsla and the Darksaber. Something was telling her to take the saber and rule Mandalore. But, she remembered her daughter and her loyalty to the Republic. Instead, she left to follow Jay; leaving Vizsla and the saber alone. After the battle ended, the Republic began to tend to the wounded and bury the dead. At the same time, Jay reported to the council on the success. He told them that Commander Hammer and his troops are alive and unharmed & told them that Vizsla was hired by Dooku to capture the Clones to give information on troop movement and location with a goal to rule Mandalore and the destruction of the Republic. The Jedi were stunned by this news and chose to investigate the manner and to stop the threat before it is too late. After reporting, Jay instructed the troops to gather intel and destroy the Separatist base after burying the dead. As instructed, the Clones destroyed the base, packed up and left Boz Pity. Along the way home, a bearded Clone Commander of the 76th Legion, named Jec, who informs Jay that we are coming up on Planet Earth. Jay thanked Jec and told him to thank his commanding general for taking him and his troops home. Boarding a gunship, bound for Earth, Jay thanked Zusho Battalion, who are about to return to the 187th, and told them he will see them again. Then, the doors of the gunship closed and the gunship took off taking Jay home.
A Jedi's Tale - The Story of Jay Lyon
Science FictionIn this retelling of a Jedi's tale - The Story of Jay Lyon, We learned how he became a Jedi Master, lead his own battalion in battle, how he took on two students, how he got the 76th Legion, how he joined Earth's Jedi Order, found love, survived fou...