Chapter 45

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I sat in the room for a couple more hours with no visitors. The Healers' words echoing through my mind. Two weeks. What have I missed? What plot has Simeon come up with now? He has to know I'm here. Why hasn't he stormed the club? Why hasn't he killed me yet?

Is this another one of his plans? Get me to panic, to try and escape on my own to catch me later? Is he plotting to raid the Slat just as Kaz had raided his own house?

The door opening snaps me from the thoughts. I quickly stand and wait for whoever to enter. I need more answers. I need to speak to Kaz. I needed to figure out what he was trying to say before I passed out. 

To some surprise, Kaz walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. I immediately noticed his gloves were gone but I couldn't focus on that. There were so many questions going through my mind that I didn't know where to start. Eventually, I settled on something unimportant.

"What the hell?" I snap. Kaz raises an eyebrow. "Why couldn't a Healer speak to me? I mean seriously, am I to be void of the only human contact I've had in weeks?"

I could tell Kaz wanted to roll his eyes but decided against it. "It was for your best interest."

That makes no sense. Kaz seemed to notice my confusion but didn't say anything to counteract it. I wait, and he doesn't say anything, making me wait longer. It was getting us nowhere.

I sink down onto my bed when I give up. There were more important things to worry about and I was running out of energy. Whatever Simeon put me through isn't something to be healed in two weeks…

Kaz walks over to me and sits down next to me. I note that he was closer to me than I would've thought he'd be comfortable with. I didn't move away.

"Has Simeon..." I couldn't continue.

Kaz seemed to understand regardless. "He's been quiet. Little movement going in and out. He's made no attempt to get you back. At least, not yet."

His straight answer made me feel better. Only it didn't stop my mind from wandering to the worst case scenarios. He was planning something. I knew it. Kaz had to have as well. Something big. Big enough to take down Kaz and I.

Kaz tenses next to me. I turn to look at him. His hands clenched in a fist, his jaw tight as he stared at the far wall of my room. An angry look in his eyes.

"Why was he bloodletting you?" Kaz mumbles.

My eyes wandered to where he was looking. "That's none-"

"It is," he cuts me off. A hard look in his eyes.

I could elaborately explain why. Explain how the first drops of blood boiled on my supposed friend's burned body. Explain the pain of each cut Simeon and Reuben had grazed into my skin. The way I can still feel the wound in my skin even though they are gone. The way it feels like I'm still dying. Except, there was no reason to.

"You already know why, Kaz," I whisper. My hands rub my wrists, telling my mind that everything was fine. I was safe and Simeon would stay away for a little.

"Lyra," Kaz whispers. "Whatever he's planning, he's not going to do that again."

All I did was nod. My mind flashing back to everything Simeon has done. I couldn't show fear or pain. It wasn't over. I needed to stay alert for what's coming next. Even if that means I need to leave Ketterdam… need to leave Kaz.

Out of the corner of my eye, there was movement. I turn my head to look. Blaze and Harshaw were standing there. A vacant expression on their face. Serving as a reminder that Simeon has them.

I turn to Kaz. "Remember..." I stop. He's not going to care. I mean why would he? I wouldn't have any care in the world about someone's dead family members. They're dead and I would've had no relations with them.

"Lyra?" Kaz presses. I turn to face him. He waited for me to continue. His expression was boring but his eyes were intrigued.

"Remember when I told you about my brothers?" I took Kaz's silence as a sign to continue. "He had them." Kaz brings his brows together. "Their things. Things he should not have."

Kaz looks away. His face pained for reasons I didn't know. Maybe I shouldn't have told him. After all, it is my issue not his. They're my brothers. I'm going to have to figure out a way to get them back.

"I'll kill him," Kaz suddenly says.

I look at him, slightly surprised. "Kaz-"

"We'll get your brothers back."

"Kaz, this is my fight-"

"Not anymore."

"What are you-"

Kaz reaches for my hand. I could feel his body heat. The look in his eye keeps me firmly planted. Maybe it was curiosity? Maybe it was the deep brown that was oddly comforting? All I knew, I had let Kaz Brekker take my hand, frozen in place, scared that any movement would scare him away.

"We're in this together," he struggles to say. Almost as if he didn't want to admit it.

His words before I fainted echo around my head.

"I'm your Crow?" I ask for confirmation.

Kaz softly nods. A mix of emotions play out on his face. Frustration. Annoyance. Discomfort. Disgust. Sadness. Every emotion Kaz could have was acting out like a Spearian play.

"Kaz?" I whisper. Hoping he was alright and not going to have a mental breakdown.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kaz's lips were on mine.

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