31~ At the Ganga Ghat

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Yuvan scrunched his eyes and whined, feeling cold as it was 5 am in the morning and the room was cold, which wasn't helping his body adjust to the temperature

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Yuvan scrunched his eyes and whined, feeling cold as it was 5 am in the morning and the room was cold, which wasn't helping his body adjust to the temperature. The room had a greyish hue, with the sound of the air shushing his ears. He pressed his face against Jeevika's tummy, feeling the warmth of her skin.


Jeevika let out a moan as she felt Yuvan's beards tickling her waist. Without even realising it, she gently touched the side of his face, enjoying the softness. Meanwhile Yuvan's other hand was busy searching for a blanket.


Yuvan was so annoyed that he couldn't find the blanket, so he reluctantly opened his eyes. To his surprise, he saw Jeevika, who was a little shivering with her shoulders trembling, and her blouse and ghagra certainly weren't keeping her warm. He lazily brought his watch closer to his face and noticed that it was already 5 AM, which was way too early for him.

He puts his hand under her waist and makes  her lay on top of him. Jeevika, feeling warmth, hugged him like a koala which made him stop his work. Yuvan reaches for a blanket and covers them, causing Jeevika to bury her face in his neck, feeling warm and cosy. Jeevika grabs his wrist and wraps it around her waist, causing his fingers to glide across her skin, instantly calming her.

They both slept peacefully once again and when it was 7 AM, Yuvan woke up with a headache. It made him groan, but he squinted his eyes to deal with the pain. Finally, he rubbed his eyes and tried to get up, but he felt some weight on him. He looked down and saw Jeevika was still sleeping on the top of him with her mouth open, drooling saliva that landed on his chest. He let out a sigh. He lazily opened his arms and grabbed a dupatta to wipe her mouth while Jeevika held onto his chest as if he would disappear.

Yuvan closed his eyes, totally feeling satisfied. But then, he suddenly snapped his eyes open when he realised that he was in a completely different place with Jeevika peacefully sleeping on top of him. Reality smacked him right in the face. He stayed quiet for a moment, attempting to remember what went down yesterday, but dang, his mind was a total mess. Eventually, he gently wrapped his arms around Jeevika's waist and carefully laid her down on the bed.

Jeevika was moving around in her sleep, but Yuvan calmly patted her head and tucked her in with a blanket. He got out of bed and picked up his shirt from the corner of the room. As he put on his shirt, he walked over to the bed, buttoning it up, and gazed at Jeevika with so many thoughts running through his mind. Did he regret showing his inner turmoil to her? Not at all! He had no regrets.

He had a glass of water, not knowing Jeevika had water from the same glass before he came into her room, being drunk and also called Rajiv to bring a car. Then he plopped down on the bed and just watched her. Yuvan really missed how lively and carefree she used to be in his mansion as if she owned the whole mansion. He wondered if Shankar would ever let them meet. Was this going to be their final moment together? Would they be able to make it as a couple and have their love triumph?

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