Chapter 21: Love

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- Same night-

Jessica POV:

I was ecstatic. I remembered everything. I had to tell someone!
I already knew Mom and 'Dad' were asleep. But I heard noises downstairs. I ran out of bed and ran down the stairs. I found Jack, my stepbrother, watching tv. I ran over to him and threw myself on the couch next to him. "Oh my god you scared me!" He said while jumping. I tried not to laugh. Instead I just smiled and I couldn't stop. He gave me a confused look. "What's up?" He asked. "I remember!" I said while trying to come across as calm. His face turned pale. "Are you serious?" I nodded. He smiled broadly and hugged me. "Oh my god I'm so happy for you!" He said. I could barely speak. I haven't felt this happy in so long. He pulled away to get his phone. "I gotta tell Jack..." He said. I grabbed his phone out of his hands. "Noooo. I wanna 'surprise' him with the news tomorrow." I say. "Ok..." He said while putting his phone away and smirking at me.

-The next day-

I woke up really early. I could barely sleep after the dream and after I told Jack. I rolled over and looked at my phone. It was 7:46am. I got up and got dressed. I put on a a bright blue tank top with a white collar, light wash skinny jeans, a white cardigan, and white converse. (A/n I'm having trouble uploading photos with my chapters. So if it does show up for this one, the picture of the outfit I used for this chapter is outfit one.)
I went downstairs to find Jack already awake. "Hey Jess." "Hey. You can text Jack now. But just don't tell him anything about me remembering..." I say. "Ok. I'll do it now." He replies. Five minutes later he says: "I sent it. He's on his way." I smiled. "Ok cool."
I couldn't wait to see him. I missed having a conversation with him. And to think, I miss something that no one rarely thinks about missing. I anxiously waited for him to come. I ate breakfast and went back upstairs to my room. I got on my phone. I looked at Instagram. I haven't looked at all this in so long. I saw that I had lot of notifications. I saw that Jack J, Jack G, Brent, and my parents had been posting things about me. They were "updating" and talking about my improvements that I've made. They tagged me in all of them. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I saw what Jack J posted. It was one of the first things he posted about me. "I almost lost the love of my life and now she doesn't even know me..." I felt like I wanted to cry. He said I'm the love of his life. I looked at what Jack G said. "My stepsister, and one of my new best friends, lost her memory. She doesn't remember anything and I've never felt more bad in my life. I miss her and I hope she gets better." I had no idea he though of me that way. I mean, he just never showed it. I couldn't keep reading them or else I'd actually cry. It takes a lot for me to cry. I looked at one more post before I put my phone away. It was something Jack J posted. "Today Jessica asked me to tell her about "us". I almost cried as I told her how beautiful and amazing I think she is. I'm so glad she opened up to me. Anything is an improvement. I love her and all I want is for me to be able to tell her that and she'll remember." Jack loves me. That thought played through my mind over and over. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the doorbell. I ran out of my room and downstairs. Jack G was sitting there smiling at me. "I figured you wanted to answer it." He said. I smile and answer the door. And there he was. Jack. The boy who said he loves me. His eyes were red and puffy. He must have been crying. He looked upset. Not if I can help it....😏 He looked shocked that I opened the door. I smiled and he smiled back at me. I ran into his arms and wrapped my legs around his torso. He hugged me back tightly. I pulled my head back. His eyes met mine. "Jack. I remember." I said. A smiled spread across his face. He hugged me again, tighter this time. He didn't say anything. I'm guessing he was speechless. I pulled away from him again. "I love you." I said. . "I love you more." He said. We leaned in at he same time and kissed. To be honest, I missed that. I missed everything I ever forgot. He pulled back and smiled at me. "I missed you so much." He says. He put me down and spun me around. "I missed you too. And I read all the posts on Instagram. Am I really the love of your life?" I asked. I felt happy tears in my eyes and falling on my cheek. He caressed my cheek and wiped them away with his thumb. He sighed. But in a happy way. "I wouldn't call you anything else." He said. I felt my face heating up. I even missed my ability to blush and know what it meant. Before I could say anything else, next thing I knew I was in his arms. He swept me off my feet (literally) and carried me back inside. He kicked the door behind him shut. "Hey Gilinsky! She remembers!" He shouted happily. Jack just laughed. "I know. She remembered since you left yesterday. But she wanted to tell you in person so I didn't text you." Jack said. Jack J turned his head to face me and kissed my forehead. "So how did you remember?" Jack G asked. Jack J put me down. How was I gonna say this? It doesn't really make sense. " had a dream and it all just kinda came back to me." I said. "What was it about?" Jack G asked again. I thought for a second. It was kinda like a timeline. "Well, I saw my mom and dad, then mom and my stepdad. Then I saw the house and you." I said while pointing at Jack G. "And when I opened the door I saw you *points at Jack J* and then I remember you asking me to go out with you." I continued. "Then I saw a movie theater and then I remembered the crash and everything that happened after that." I say. They both kinda stared at me with shocked expressions on their faces. "Wow..." Jack J mumbled. " you...uhh...remember any of what I said to you yesterday?" He sputtered. I half smiled. "Sorta....and by the way, it does turn me on when you say things out loud and you didn't mean to..." I say. Jack's face turned bright red. "Ok do remember..." He said while laughing. Jack G smirked at us. "I'll leave you two alone for now..." He said while walking upstairs. Jack just smiled at me.

Jack J POV:

Jessica smiled back. I missed that. I wouldn't have thought that she'd love me. I'm so lucky that I have her and that she's alive. I'm glad she read those posts on Instagram. I've been trying to tell her that I think she's amazing and that I love her. But I didn't get the chance to. That's what I was gonna say when the car hit us. But I'm trying to put that in the past. I don't wanna think about what would've happened if she never remembered. I was just happy she sad she loves me too.

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