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Back at the boys hostel, Sexa and Acid aka Himanshu Deshmukh, another 2nd year senior, Sexa's friend. They were, as usual, ragging some freshies and laughing at them, mocking them too. Acid asked Mummy to go and bring some girls clothes with him, Mummy refuses while Anni said that he is innocent so don't but in return Acid orders both of the boys to go and bring it.

So they did.

When they came, they had a lot of clothes.

They are picking out different clothes from the stack and presenting before the seniors.

"This one is Maria Pinto's." Mummy said, taking the kurti out and giving it to Sexa. "This Madhuri Tripathi...then is Eshana and this one is..Y/n Kapoor."

The boys looked at him shocked, Acid took the night suit of Y/n's with wide eyes then at Mummy. "you are a dark horse."

"He got the most hot freshie girl's clothes, fuck!" Acid laughed, inhaling the scent from her clothes.

"What's happening here?"

They jumped when they heard that one senior's voice.

Derek D'Souza, the super senior, they dad for real.

Derek possesses a striking and athletic appearance that immediately commands attention. Standing at an impressive 6 feet tall, his fit physique is a testament to his dedication to a rigorous fitness regimen. Every line of his body exudes strength and vitality, and his broad shoulders give him a confident and powerful presence.

Derek's well-defined muscles, especially his chiseled abs, hint at hours spent in the gym sculpting his body to perfection. His physique is a harmonious blend of power and agility, reflecting an individual who not only values physical fitness but also thrives on pushing his own limits.

The rich, espresso tones complement his olive skin, enhancing the intensity of his gaze. His eyes, a deep shade of hazel, convey a mixture of determination and warmth, inviting those around him into his magnetic sphere.

"Uh..N-nothing." Sexa said, hiding the clothes in his pant and some throwing.

"What's in the bag?" Derek asked as he noticed Mummy holding onto the bag tightly.

"Nothing Derek yr." Acid chuckled nervously.

Derek took the bag in a swift motion and looks at it. "Girls clothes? Who brought these?"

"Mummy." Everyone pointed at the poor boy who looked like he would piss his pants in a second.

"T-they told me to." Mummy in return pointed at Sexa and Acid.

Derek looked at them and tched. "Pervs. Return them to the girls tomorrow morning hmm?"

The boys nodded.

Sexa kept the clothes back in the bag and walked away. Acid walked behind him smoothly but Derek stopped him.

"Give it to me Acid." Derek sighed.

Acid pouted a bit and gave Y/n's night suit back to Derek. Acid walked out of there while Derek kept all the clothes back in.

Derek looked at the silk gray night suit which had the smell of Vanilla and cherry. He brought it closer to his nose and inhaled. Derek gulped, quickly keeping the cloth back in the bag looking around if someone notices.


Y/N woke up with a yawn, stretching her arms as she slowly climbed out of bed. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. With a lazy shuffle, she made her way to the shower, the sound of running water soon filling the air.

After a refreshing shower, Y/N wrapped herself in a towel and began rummaging through her wardrobe for the perfect outfit. However, as her eyes scanned the closet, a furrow creased her brow. Her favorite silk night suit, the one she loved for its comfort and softness, was nowhere to be found.

Puzzled, she called out Maya, who was sitting at her desk engrossed in a book. "Maya, have you seen my silk night suit? I can't find it anywhere."

Maya glanced up, her expression shifting from concentration to concern. "Your silk night suit? No, I haven't seen it. Are you sure you didn't misplace it?"

Y/N shook her head, "I'm pretty sure it was right here. I always put it in the same spot."

Maya hesitated for a moment before sighing. "Okay, so last night when I was coming back to the hostel, two guys were standing outside. They claimed their seniors had asked them to bring girls' clothes, or they'd face some kind of consequences and so I gave them other and yours too"

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you serious?" She scoffed.

"I'm sorry Y/n." Maya stated.

"Nah nah, why are you saying sorry, the one who should say sorry are the pervert boys." She said in anger.

She quickly wore one of her jeans and a simple top. "In which hostel they are?"


"Do you know their names?"

"No but one was tall, wearing a thin glasses and the other one was very shy, he was tall too handsome also and cute flully-"

"Alright I got it, enough with your dreamy thoughts." Y/n chuckled in amusement. "I'm going to get mine back."

and with that she stormed out of her hostel and into H4.

She marched up to the corridor of the hostel stopping when she saw a slim boy looking at her in terror. "Aye, where is the boy, tall, thin glasses? The one who got into the girls hostel!" She shouted.

"t-t-there!" the guy stammered, pointing his shaky finger at the room.

She walked up there but a guy stood infront of her. She rolled her eyes and looked up and suddenly, for her, the time stopped.

A tall figure with a fit physique and dark, tousled hair caught her eye. It was Derek, someone she had only heard about from friends. Rumors of his charm and good looks had circulated through the campus, but Y/N had never crossed paths with him until now.

The 6 feet tall guy hovered over her, the way his eyes lingered into her almost had her on her knees. she looked at his exposed muscles hoping to get a slap by those hands even if it hurts, she doesn't care.

His Jawline was as sharp as a knife, can literally cut anything.

"What do you want?" His deep voice spoke up causing Y/n to snap out from her dream.

"Your juniors took my and my friends clothes yesterday night and so I am here to get mine back." She said crossing her arm over her chest.

"Name?" He asked.

"Y/n Kapoor."

"ah the freshie" Derek nodded. She shot him a glare to which he smirked.

"Ay Mummy, give y/n her clothes." He announced to him.

Derek and Y/n glared at each other while Mummy took her clothes and hand it over to her. "Sorry."

"She nodded at him and with a last glare at Derek she walked out of the hostel.

"Oh my god." the boys around Derek mumbled.

He sighed and walked out of there and into his room. He can't help but think about her and her night suit which he had smelled last night. He can also remember when he was up close to her and how the scent of her vanilla and cherry hit his nose.

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