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The morning sun cast long shadows as Y/N and Maya walked to class, the air filled with an unusual tension. The usual laughter and banter that accompanied their morning routine seemed absent. Anni, walked slightly ahead of them, his eyes fixed on the ground.

Who didn't even noticed his gf.

Maya, concerned about Anni's distant behavior, turned to Y/N. "Did you notice that? Anni seems upset."

"Yeah, did you talked with him?" Y/n asked.

"No, how will he is ignoring me sort of." Maya said. 

"Ignoring you?" Maya nodded. 

"After class go talk with him yeah?"  She nodded. 

But after classes, Anni immediately walked out of the class hurriedly. Maya and Y/n looked at each other in confusion and Maya decided to talk with him after dinner. 

And so she did.

Y/n was waiting for her friend to come back outside of her hostel. She noticed Maya coming to her but her head down and tears flowing down her cheeks. 

Y/n hurried to her and took her to their shared room. 

When Y/n shut the door and sat next to her. "What happened? What did Anni said?!"

"H-h- He's been so caught up in this stupid GC. He keeps saying we're fools, that we can't get our act together, and it's all about some ridiculous sports strategy. I can't take it anymore."

Y/n eyes widened. "Why is he doing that?"

"He's been so obsessed with this sports, saying we're jeopardizing his team or something. It's like he cares more about that than our relationship."

Y/N placed a comforting hand on Maya's shoulder. "We can't let him treat you like this, Maya. It's not fair. We need to talk to him and make him realize how much he's hurting you. You're not alone in this. I'll talk with Anni tomorrow and sort things out. Your well-being is important, and I won't let anyone undermine that."


Y/N and Maya strolled side by side toward their classes, the air still crisp with the early morning chill. This was their routine, a daily pilgrimage to acquire knowledge and grow as individuals.

They walked together, but the silence between them was heavy with unanswered questions. As they approached their classroom, Maya's eyes darted around the corridor, searching for a familiar face. The absence Anni, did not go unnoticed. He was usually the beacon of Maya's happiness, but today, he seemed to have vanished from her life.

The classroom buzzed with conversation as Y/N and Maya took their seats. The teacher walked in, greeting the students with a warm smile. But Maya's gaze stayed fixed on the door, hoping Anni would finally grace them with his presence. Minutes turned into an eternity as each passing moment heightened Maya's despair.

As class commenced, Y/N discreetly stole glances at Maya, observing the subtle figure slumped in the seat next to them. Maya's usual enthusiasm was replaced by a distant expression, and sadness lingered in her eyes. Y/N realized that it was impossible to ignore Maya's suffering any longer.

The class ended and they walked out talking about Anni and he came, Maya tried to talk with him but he looked away as if there was nobody.

He ignored her for days and when he didn't do anything Y/n went to him as he walking back to the hostel with the gang. 

She reached the gang and everyone suddenly looks up at her arrival, her eyes on Anni.

"Anirudh, we need to talk," Y/N said, her voice firm but concerned.

Anirudh looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"Anirudh, Maya is hurting. She doesn't understand why you've been avoiding her, and I won't stand by and watch her suffer. You need to tell us what's going on."

Anirudh sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's complicated, Y/N. I can't explain everything right now."

Y/N crossed her arms, her patience wearing thin. "Complicated or not, Maya deserves an explanation. You can't just shut her out like this. Anirudh, Maya cares about you. Shutting her out hurts her more than whatever you're going through. You can't keep her in the dark."

Anirudh looked down, guilt evident on his face. Y/N took a deep breath before continuing, her tone turning stern.

"If you care about Maya, you need to communicate with her. Ignoring her won't make things better. She's a strong, independent woman, and she doesn't need someone who can't share their problems with her. If you're planning on doing something else, be careful. Maya can find any other guy here who would treat her better. And if you continue hurting her, I won't hesitate to make sure your face matches the way you've made her feel – worse."

He looked up at her with wide eyes. She looked at the other boys and walked away. 

"This is bad." Anni pouted. 

"I need to talk with her." Derek said and sprinted towards her. "Y/n!" 

Y/n stopped in her tracks, turning around to find Derek coming towards her, he breathed heavily and said "I can explain from Anni's side." 


Then he tells her all about their pledges and the new GC sports they have and that tehy need to win it. 

"Ahh... I see." She nodded. "But sports is not so important you know." 

"Yes but it is for us H4, this college and our respect." Derek nodded. 

Y/n looked at him and smiled. "I forgive Anni. Btw what pledge did you take?"

Derek sighed sadly. "Smoking."

"Ah! Good for you!" Y/n smiled and hit Derek in his arm. 

"But I'll be smoking after we finish GC." 

"Sale" Y/n shook her head. 

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