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The night before the final championship games arrived. The boys at H4 had discussed their plans to get a gold medal in the remaining three matches. Bevda and Sexa would go to the chess match, Acid and Derek would compete in the 400 x 4 relay with me tagging along, and Anni would play basketball, accompanied by Mummy and Maya for support. The boys were all on edge, anxious for what the next day would bring.

Maya stayed behind with Anni on the field, the two caught up in their thoughts. We all eere pretty nervous of this. I was really nervous, I couldn't sleep, just toosing and turning with the thoughts, but I know they will do it. Tomorrow, they would see if their efforts paid off. Tomorrow, they would finally see if they were losers or not.

Morning soon arrived, and I quickly showered and got dressed, heading down to the field where Derek and Acid were.

Dressed in their jerseys, Derek and Acod were huddled around with two other runners, checking in with each other. Waiting for them to be done, I stood by the sidelines, until Derek noticed me.

"Y/N," he said, pulling by my arm. "Thanks for coming," Derek said, smiled.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this for anything," I replied, smiling at all four of the boys. "Did y'all eat something? I have plenty of this. Even energy drinks too. So come to me whenever you need okay? I even got chips and bis-".

"Y/n" Derek hold my shoulder and smiled. "We're fine, right guys?"

I sighed with a nod.

Suddenly, someone from the H3 team bumped into Derek, stepping on his foot hard. Raggie pulled him back, reprimanding him. "Hey, watch out!" Derek winced in pain, going down to hold onto his foot. He removed his cleats and I hissed, seeing the blood staining his sock. "Arey, this is not the way to win guys," Raggie told his teammate. We all saw past his facade, realizing that it was planned.

I quickly sat down, examining his foot.

Acid stood up, pushing Raggie and yelling, before the team held him back. "Let it go, we have more important things at hand," I said, glaring and scowling at Raggie, who just looked back innocently, before leaving to go play the basketball match. "Motherfucker." I muttered under my breath.

I carefully removed Derek's sock, assessing the damage. Pulling out the first aid kit I had brought, I began to clean the wound and bandaged it, applying some ointment around it. "Do you think you'll be okay," Acid asked as Derek stood up, limping slightly.

"I'll have to be," Derek responded, steeling himself.

I opened my hand and gave Derek some tablets. "Here, have some paracetamol, it may help you." Derek took the pills from my hand, throwing them back and washing them down with water.

"Thanks Y/N," he said, he hugged me.

I hugged him back and whispered. "Do your best." I kissed his cheek and went back to the stand as the match began.

He smiled from the distance, I smiled back with my heart beating fast.

The runners stood at the starting line, getting down into position. The referee signaled the start, and off they went. I clapping encouragingly as I watched on, anxious. H4 quickly fell behind, trailing behind the other competitors. I grimaced, crossing my fingers nervously.

"Come on Suraj, come on!" Acid yelled, watching as he was the last runner to accept the baton and start the second round.

Derek leaned over, not taking his eyes off Suraj. "Try to reduce the gap as much as you can," he told Acid, who nodded as he took his position.

Acid took the baton, sprinting as fast as he could. I watched as the gap between Acid and the other runners decreased, with him completely covering the distance. You cheered and whooped, starting to feel a bit more hopeful as Derek went up, hand out to accept the baton.

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