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We all sat down at the bench, I was sitting beside Acid and beside me was Maya.

I felt kinda bad for not sitting beside him...

Why am I thinking??

No, Y/n don't think.

I sighed deeply and shook my head with a scoff.

I looked at him side eye all I could see was his precious side profile. The sharp jaw, the eyes and his hair.

Wow. I need therapy.

"So what should we all eat?" Sexa asked as he looked down at the menu and breaking me from gazing at Derek.

"Whatever, I'm really starving!" I exclaimed.

"Are you not always?" Maya said.

"Shush." I hit her thighs to which she chuckled.

"Alright let's see...butter chicken and naan?"

"I'm vegetarian." Maya said.

We all looked at Maya and nodded. "Pulao it is!" We exclaimed.

"It's veg biryani!" Maya roared.

We all chuckled, I apologized to her with a smile while she just smiled.

We ordered the food and ordered drinks too while we wait for our food.

We all drank, talked and laughed among ourselves making good memories with our loved person.

After a minute the food arrived too and we all ate happily . We all had finished our food and were just drinking when we saw Raggie and his gang rushed in the canteen with their face fuming red.

"Oo Uncle, daaru" Raggie said and sat down at the table infront of us.

Derek leaned back, sipping his drink. "Look, they've come to drown in their defeat." I looked over to him with a warning look knowing he knows that I'm looking.

"We're not used to losing like you," one of the boys responded, taking a seat.

"Abey didn't the dog say he would bite?" Acid asked cheekily. "This one's still barking!" The table broke out in laughter.

Maya and I shared a look, and I shifted uncomfortably, knowing that some drama was going to ensue.

"Oy Acid, watch your tongue or I'll give it to you!" Raggie warned.

"Abey, you've just lost, what do you have to give?" Anni taunted.

Shit is about to happen.

Raggie stood, ready to come over and fight, while his friends calmed him down, getting him to sit back down.

Anni began to drum his hands on the table, creating a beat. "Oh H3 are fatheads! H3 are fatheads!" He sang. The rest of the guys joined in, singing along.

"They're a sunken boat, they no longer have support," Anni sang.

"H3 are fatheads, H3 are fatheads!"

"They are now stumped, they're going to be hu-" Acid joined, as Anni playfully stopped him from completing his sentence.

"H3 are fatheads, H3 are fatheads!"

"Guys, stop it" I snarled, trying to diffuse the situation.

The other gang looked over to us, noticing us now.

"Tch tch, Y/N, why are you wasting your time joining with them? I didn't knew you are that low in your choice. "Raggie said.

"I have already told you many times but looks like you are a stubborn dog, who doesn't want to do anything, doesn't have a life always poke others and certainly don't learn a thing at a time." I shook my head in pity. "I'm sorry if you have a memory issue."

Everyone was quite, Raggie too was just looking at me dumbfounded. But then, he scoffed with a chuckle. "I maybe a dog, but I'm loyal unlike these filthy street dogs." He gritted his teeth while looking at the boys and smirked at me.
"Come to me Y/n, you'll enjoy yourself."

I clenched my jaw and stood up. But before I could speak Derek stood up and threw a punch at him.

Everything started in a blink . A fight enrosed, as people from both sides got up and started grabbing each other. Maya, I, and Mummy stood and watched, not sure how to intervene.

"Abey Mummy saale why are you just standing there! Do something!" Sexa yelled as he was pushed onto a table.

Poor Mummy, startled, looked around, trying to figure out what to do, he tried to kick the guy beating Sexa but couldn't and he started to panic to which he got scared by his own reflection, and punched it, screaming in pain as a piece of glass pierced his finger.

He held it and yelled out, diverting everyone's attention onto him, stopping the chaos. I immediately went over to him, cradling his hand and examining his finger. I hissed, looking at the damage.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay," Maya said, calming him down a bit.

"GUYS!" I shouted.

All of them quite down and looked at me. "your friend is injured." I snarled.

And with that I, Maya and Mummy walked out of the canteen and towards H4.

We got into his room and Maya immediately started to look for first aid and thank god we did found it.

"Ssh shh, nothing, it's nothing." I whispered as Mummy whimpered.

"Kya hua?" I heard Anni's voice.

Maya told them and they stood behind us and watched in silence.

"Quite, kuch nahi hua." I warned and wrapped the bandage. "All done." I sighed.

"Thank you Y/n" Mummy said softly looking at his finger.

I smiled, standing up I faced the boys and their gaze fall down immediately.

Their clothes were torn a bit, scratched skin from lips or eyebrows.

"I have nothing to say." I shook my head, passed over them.

I could hear Maya lecturing them when I left the room and immediately saw Derek outside, leaning against the railing.

"What was that?" I asked, standing in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What was what?" He asked, standing up straight.

"That at the canteen." I growled.

He looked down at sighed.

I saw his lips cracked open and blood coming out of it.

"Don't." I tched as he was touching the wound. I took his hand and sighed.
"Want to be a hero huh."

I grabbed his jaw, making him look at me , well I want to look at his injury but you know.

I looked at how deep the cut is and frowned. "What was the point at fighting can't you use your mouth?" I scoffed.

"At what?" He mumbled.

"At fighting of course." I rolled my eyes and looked up to see him looking down at me, but we were really close almost looking like we were about to kiss.

I didn't even realized how close I was to him and when he leaned his face. 

I looked deep in his eyes and without my permission my eyes started to go down and looked in his lips.

Even his bloody lips look so kissable -


I cleared my throat and moved back, with a deep breath I looked away from him and gulped. "M-maya! Let's go!" I exclaimed and started to walk out.

That was close. Shit!

What is happening??

Heyy!! Sorry for the late update. Forgive me😭. I hsd some matter in my house but it's ok it's fine now.
Also I'm thinking of having a time and day for posting the chapter. What do y'all think? Do tell me.

Edit: I'm so so sooooo sorry for the confusion guys. Idk what happened to me. FORGIVE ME.  

Bye love❤️

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