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Y/N sat alone at a corner table in the library, surrounded by towering shelves filled with books. The soft glow of the reading lamps created an atmosphere of tranquility, perfect for studying.

For another few weeks Anni and Maya has been pretty close to eachother and the gang, Anni, maya, Mummy, Acid and Sexa would hang out all the time.

They would study together, eat together, gossip around together, even sleep together. But not in that sense you know. Just sleep sleep.

Anyways, the girls were now even more social to another girls from their hostel and spend their time just how they wanted it.

The girls would play till midnight or drink till midnight with their singing and dancing.

And now, Y/n is studying in he Library, her nose stucked on books.

She had been immersed in her textbooks, trying to make the most of the quiet environment, when she looked up and saw Derek, her senior, walking into the library.

Y/N found it intriguing that someone like him, with a reputation for being carefree, would willingly choose to spend time studying in the library. Beacuse according to what she heard from her friends, he is not someone who would study, if you know what I mean.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Y/N watched as Derek made his way towards an empty table not too far from her. He placed his bag on the table and settled down, taking out his own books and study materials. Y/N couldn't help but smile, both surprised and impressed by this unexpected sight.

After an hour of studying in companionable silence, She couldn't help but make a few frustrated noises as she attempted to solve the math problem yet again. Derek head's lifted up and he saw Y/n, frustratingly scratching her head as she looks down at her textbook.

Derek, a mischievous grin on his face, approached Y/N's table. "Having some trouble there?" he asked, his voice laced with amusement.

Y/N, slightly embarrassed yet intrigued by Derek's sudden interest, nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, this problem has been driving me crazy. I just can't seem to figure it out."

Derek pulled up a chair and leaned in, peering at the problem in front of Y/N. "Well, let's see what we have here. Maybe I can be of some assistance."

Together, Y/N and Derek delved into the question, discussing different approaches and sharing their insights. Derek's sharp mind and unique perspectives opened up new pathways for Y/N's thoughts. As they worked together, their conversation flowed effortlessly, effortlessly transitioning from the problem at hand to other light-hearted topics.

Y/N discovered that beneath Derek's carefree facade, there was a keen intellect and a genuine thirst for knowledge. He shared stories, cracking jokes and making Y/N laugh, leaving behind the preconceived notions that had surrounded him.

An hour flew by, and the library was now quieter, as many students had left. Y/N and Derek found themselves engrossed in a captivating conversation. They discussed their interests, dreams, and even shared their favourite movies and hobbies. Y/N was pleasantly surprised to find common ground with Derek.

"Oi love birds! The Library os getting closed! Get out." The librarian shouted to them.

They looked up and their eyes widened at the realisation that it has been really late.

"Let's go." Derek immediately started to pack his bag, Y/n followed him and they ran out of the library.

They were going back to their hostel. "I didn't knew you would be this fun."

"Really? Why am I that bad looking?" Derek asked with hid a smirk knowing well that he is handsome.

But his hidden smirk fell down when Y/n said. "Well yes, you do look like a pig but that's not the point." Y/n smirks.

"Bold of you to say that I am a pig." Derek scoffed.

"Anyways, you were really cold and this dark vibes comes from you, you know. Like 'ooh he's scary don't talk' or 'he's a bad boy, don't ' yeah something like that." Y/n nodded at her comment.

"That's just because of my handsome face." Derek said correcting his hair.

"Your confidence is too high." Y/n said, smacking his arm.

He turned to Y/N with a mischievous smile and asked, "Hey, do you want to go somewhere else? Somewhere no one knows about but me?"

Y/N hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. "I don't know, Derek. It's getting late, and we should probably head back."

Derek persisted, his tone filled with enthusiasm. "Come on, Y/N! I promise it'll be worth it. It's a hidden gem that I discovered during my travels. I think you'll love it. And I'm not kidnapping you."

She chuckles.

Reluctantly, Y/N agreed, unable to resist Derek's infectious spirit. They walked a little farther, veering away from the main streets and into a quieter neighborhood. Eventually, they arrived at their destination.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as they entered the hidden place. It was an enchanting garden tucked away between buildings, illuminated softly by the shimmering moonlight. Vibrant flowers blossomed, and the air was filled with a sweet fragrance. Y/N couldn't believe such a peaceful oasis existed amidst the bustling city.

Derek and Y/N found a secluded spot and settled down. They spent another hour there, engrossed in conversation, laughter, and a feeling of connection that seemed to grow with every passing minute. It felt like their own secret hideaway, a world apart from the busy life they had left behind.

Eventually, the night wore on, and they knew it was time to return to their hostel. Reluctantly, they bid farewell to the hidden garden, cherishing the memories they had created together. As they made their way back through the dimly lit streets, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for Derek's spontaneous suggestion. It had turned an ordinary night into an unforgettable adventure, filled with unexpected joy and wonder.

While Derek was smiling brightly like an idiot as he reached into his hostel.

"Oi Derek! Did you do something fun?" Sexa said teasing him.

"I found my heera." Derek said and walked away thinking dreamily.

"What type of heera did he found?" Sexa mumbled to himself as he watched him.

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