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In the day that followed the mysterious night of the freshman party, Y/N and Derek's paths seemed to cross more frequently. Each encounter, however, came with its share of teasing and playful banter, courtesy of Derek.

"Hey, Y/N, remember that dance move you pulled off at the party? Classic!" Derek chuckled as they bumped into each other on campus.

Y/N rolled her eyes, smirking. "Oh, please. At least I didn't end up on the floor like you."

Derek laughed, nudging her playfully. "True, true. But you should've seen yourself – the life of the party!"

"Shut up! I was not that bad!" Y/n smacked his arm. Derek chuckled. 

Their banter became a routine, a lighthearted exchange that hinted at the shared experience of a night neither of them could fully recall.

That afternoon when Maya came back in her hostel, she saw Y/n sitting in her bed waiting for her. 

"Okay, spill it, Maya. What's the story here?" Y/N questioned, squinting her eyes at her. 

"What story?" Maya chuckled nervously. 

"I know Maya, just spill it." 

Maya sighed turning to look at her. "I kissed Anni."

Y/N's eyes widened surprised and amusement. "You kissed Anni? Seriously?"

Maya nodded, a sheepish smile playing on her lips. "Yep. I may have had a bit too much to drink, and things got a little... blurry. I guess I mistook Anni for someone else in the moment."

Y/N burst into laughter, finding the unexpected twist in the story absolutely hilarious. "Maya, you sly dog! You've got some explaining to do."

The two friends continued to share stories and laughter, unraveling the drunken antics of that unforgettable night. Maya's accidental kiss with Anni became the highlight of their conversation, turning a potential awkward moment into a tale of comedic mishaps.

So, Maya and Anni went of to his room after they got drunk and then because of the drunkness, they kissed each other, there was heat but they stopped it, telling it's not a good time. 

She hit a goal.


The air was crisp and cool as Y/n made her way back to the hostel after a long night of studying in the library. As she walked past the chemistry lab, she couldn't help but notice a faint light and the door slightly ajar. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to take a peek inside.

The door creaked softly as Y/n pushed it open, revealing the dimly lit laboratory. The sound of hushed clicking and talking caught her attention. Intrigued, she stepped inside and was met with a surprising scene. Anni and Derek.

"Anni?" She said.

"Y/n." Anni quickly put down the glass aka beaker while Derek glanced at her continuing to make his mocktail, already his heart beating.

"6o mL Vodka, 40 mL orange juice, and 20 mL soda." Derek mixed the mixtures and gave it to Anni half half.

"Do you want too?" Derek asked as he noticed her staring it.

"No thank you. I was just going to hostel when I noticed the lights on and all. Anyways, i'll be going now, you guys enjoy." She smiled at them.

They bid goodbye and she walked out of the lab. Derek looked at the back of Y/n's head until she was finally out, he sighed sipping his drink then notices Anni smirking.


"Nothing." Anni said, hiding his smile. 


The day had been long and arduous for Y/N and their friends. They were all sitting at their usual table in the college canteen, enjoying a well-deserved dinner after a hectic day of classes and studying. The atmosphere was lively as laughter and animated conversations filled the air.

Y/N looked around the table, smiling at their friends' jokes and banter. They glanced at Derek, who was sitting across from them, his brown eyes sparkling with amusement. As always, he had an air of easy confidence about him, which Y/N found both intriguing and comforting.

The food was delicious, and everyone dug in with enthusiasm, their hunger vanishing in the presence of good company. Between bites, the group shared stories, exchanged laughter, and bonded over their shared experiences. Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the genuine friendships they had formed during their time at college.

As the meal came to an end, fatigue began to embrace the group. One by one, their friends bid their goodnights and headed back to their rooms, leaving Y/N and Derek alone at the table.

Derek leaned back in his chair and let out a contented sigh. Y/N noticed him reach into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. In one smooth, stylish motion, he flipped open the lid and extracted one, placing it between his lips.

Y/N's eyes narrowed with concern. "Derek, you know you shouldn't smoke too much." She said, her voice laced with worry.

Derek looked at Y/N, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. He lit the cigarette with a flick of his matchbox, watching the flame dance before him. Smoke curled from his mouth as he took a long drag, exhaling slowly. "Can't help it, Y/N," he replied, his voice laced with a mix of defiance and resignation.

Y/N shifted in her seat, her gaze fixed on Derek's cigarette.

Noticing Y/N's pondering expression, Derek arched an eyebrow. "What about you, Y/N? Have you ever smoked?"

Y/N's voice filled with unexpected confidence as she replied, "Yes, I-I did."

Derek passed her the cigarette with a hidden smirk and watched as she took it.

Y/N felt a pang of embarrassment wash over her as she took the cigarette from Derek. As she took a puff, the harsh smoke filled her lungs, causing her to cough uncontrollably. It was an embarrassing and uncomfortable experience, and she felt her cheeks flush.

Derek, however, didn't mock or criticize her; instead, he looked at her with a loving smile. He gently took the cigarette from her trembling hand and placed it between his own lips. The way his eyes met hers, filled with warmth and tenderness, instantly made Y/N feel at ease.
"Kids shouldn't do it, you know." He said.

"If I wanted to, I can smoke," Y/N managed to say, feeling slightly self-conscious about her coughing fit. "And I am not a kid."

"Yeah yeah, of course." Derek nodded with a smirk. Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile and stood up.

"Alright, I'll be going now, you should too " she informed.

"Yeah, good night Y/n." He said.

"Good night." She smiled, turned around and walked away.

Derek smiled as he watch her walking out of the canteen and sighed. He looked back at the cigarette, threw it on the ground and smashed it with his foot.
And with that he walked to his hostel.

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