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The vibrant energy of the fresher party had started to wane as the night progressed, and a group of friends, including Derek and Y/n, found themselves in an empty classroom. The distant echo of music and laughter faded away, leaving behind a cozy atmosphere filled with the warmth of camaraderie.

Bottles clinked as laughter and conversation filled the air. The group was in high spirits, reveling in the shared moments of the night. As the clock ticked away, however, Anni and Maya decided to call it a night, finding the effects of the drinks a bit overwhelming.

The others, their laughter resonating within the walls of the classroom. The room became a sanctuary for shared stories and unfiltered moments. The empty bottles on the table bore witness to the night's festivities.

Slowly, Acid, Sexa and Mummy did which left Derek and Y/n.

"Guess it's just us now." Derek commented, who had just a glass of drink looking at the drunk Y/n who giggled with a nod. "Do you want to go?"

"Hell no! I have more to drink." She exclaimed getting another drink and started to drink it. 

"Okay, that's enough." Derek took the bottle quickly seeing she was about to finish the whole. 

As the night air outside grew colder, Y/n shivered, the effects of the chill setting in. Derek, ever the gentleman, quickly offered her his coat. Y/n accepted it gratefully, wrapping herself in its warmth. Her laughter continued to ring out, the carefree joy of the night still evident.

"Derek, you're the sweetest guy ever," Y/n slurred slightly, the alcohol having its way with her words. She leaned against him, her expression a mix of happiness and drunkness.

Derek chuckled, his cheeks flushed. "Well, I aim to please."

As the night wore on, Y/n's eyelids grew heavy, and the alcohol-induced drowsiness took over. In a moment of vulnerability, she snuggled closer to Derek, finding comfort in his presence. His coat served as a makeshift blanket as she mumbled words of gratitude and affection.

Derek, caught off guard by Y/n's sudden coziness, looked down at her with a soft smile.  Y/n, enveloped in Derek's warmth, drifted into a peaceful slumber, her cares momentarily forgotten in the embrace of the night. Derek slowly, carefully placed his hands over her shoulder and head, as she snuggled in, he started to pat her.

With a gentle smile on his face, Derek observed Y/n as she peacefully slept in his arms, her breaths soft and steady. The camaraderie of the party still lingered in the air as he carefully scooped her up, embracing her in a bridal carry. The weight felt surprisingly light as he navigated through the quiet corridors, the distant echoes of laughter now replaced by a serene hush.

The decision to take Y/n to his dorm was an easy one. He Maya was likely occupied with Anni, and he wanted to ensure Y/n's comfort and safety for the night. As he walked, the soft glow of the moonlit campus bathed them in a gentle light, creating a tranquil scene that seemed to belong to a romantic tale.

Derek's steps were careful, and he cradled Y/n with an unexpected tenderness. The dimly lit hallways led them to his dorm, where he gently laid her down on his bed. The room was still, the only sound being the quiet breathing of the slumbering Y/n.

Derek, feeling a sense of responsibility and a touch of fondness, covered her with a spare blanket. As he watched her sleep, he couldn't help but admire the vulnerability that surfaced in her quiet moments. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and Derek found himself unexpectedly drawn to the genuine connection they shared.

As he settled into a chair beside the bed, Derek pondered the events of the night. The laughter, the dancing, and now this tender moment—it felt like a sequence of scenes in a story that was still unfolding. The camaraderie of friends, the warmth of shared stories, and the unexpected turn of taking care of Y/n created a connection that went beyond the surface of a typical college party.

The room remained hushed, and Derek allowed himself a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the night. He stared at her and wonder what will happen in the future.


Y/N winced as the sunlight streaming through the window intensified the throbbing in her head. She squinted, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The room was unfamiliar, and the distant echo of laughter and music hinted at the remnants of last night's party. Blinking away the haze, Y/N sat up slowly, taking in the sight of Derek sprawled out on the ground nearby.

She looked away lazily but stopped when she realized that Derek is here. She looked back at the sleeping Derek with wide eyes. 

Taking a look around her surroundings, she noticed she is in Derek's room. 

What am I doing here?! Did something happened? But our clothes are with us. Then..Ki-

She rubbed her temples, attempting to recall the events that led her to this place. Memories flashed before her eyes – the laughter, the music, the dancing. The details were elusive, hidden behind the fog of a night filled with revelry.

Derek stirred on the floor, his eyes fluttering open. He groaned, shielding his eyes from the intrusive sunlight. As their eyes met, a mix of confusion and recognition danced between them. Y/N nervously licked her dry lips, searching for words that could unravel the mystery of their current predicament.

"Derek, I..Y-you..we- do you... do you remember what happened?" Y/N asked, her voice barely audible above the remnants of the distant party.

Derek sat up, tried. "Yes, don't worry we didn't do anything of that type."

Y/n sighed, closing her eyes in relief. She looks back at Derek to see him sitting on the ground. "Well? What happened?"

"After the party, we friends drank in an empty classroom, the others went away but we were left. You wanted to drink more." Y/n looked down feeling embarrassed. "Then, you fell asleep on me, I decided to take you here, in my dorm seeing Maya was with Anni and we don't know what they did last night, so yeah." 

Y/n let out a relief breath, rubbing her face. "Thank you Derek." She smiled at him. 

"Always." He smiled back. 

"But why were you sleeping on the floor?" She asked. 

"Uh.. I was sleeping on the chair...guess I fall down." Derek chuckled. 

Y/n smiled at him. She looked at the clock on the wall reading the time as 9am. "Fuck,  I need to go." 

"Wait let me see If the path is clean or not, if not then I'll distract them and you'll run away okay?" Derek said as he stood up. 

Y/n nodded. 

They walked out his room, Derek stick out his head, looking left and right then signaled Y/n to come out. She slowly come out of his room and walked behind him. 

They looked here and there to see if someone is there or not, suddenly Derek stopped, causing Y/n's head to collide in his back. She looked up at him confused but then heard Acid's voice. 

"Are Acid!" Derek exclaimed and hugged him moving him to the other side where Derek can see Y/n and Acid to his room. 

Y/n took this opportunity and ran her life out from there. 

Lucky for her, all the students were drunk and were asleep and she made it to her Hostel nice and safely. 

Acid stood there confused as to why Derek is hugging hum. 

"Have a good day." Derek nodded and walked into his room. 

Acid looked at his back and blinked. "Has he hit his head?" 

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