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"Sorry, I got a little nervous yesterday." Anni smiled returning the bag of girls clothes back to Maya as Y/n stood beside her.

"A little?" Maya chuckled.

Anni looked down with a small smile in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I thought it was cute." She smiled uo at him.

Anni blushes and gives a coy look to Maya.

Y/n smirkes at them.

"Okay, bye." He smiled.

"Anni, algi bar aisa mat krna bas." Y/n warned him.

He nodded and walked out of there.

Y/n looked at Maya who was lovingly looking at the back of Anni as he walked away.

"Bas bas cindrella." Y/n nudged her. "You think he is cute." She mocked her.

Maya laughed, shoving her.

For days Anni tried to get Maya with him, he tried everything,with coffee, chai, pastry, like everything. And they did had some alone time while Y/n has become friends with Mummy, Acid and Sexa.

She gets all the things why they call eachother that and laughs out loud that tears streams down her eyes.

Everyday they meet eachother, with Anni going with Maya and Y/n going with the guys.

One day when they were just sitting at the canteen, at a distance from the couple, Y/n was having her tea when she heard a guy's voice.

"Oh losers with a girl." She looked over to the owner of the voice, Raggie the guy she met on her first day.

She heard from the boys that he's a jerk and they also told her to be away from him.

"What's your problem Raggie?" Acid asked in frustration.

"With a pretty girl like you, you should be hanging out with us instead of these filthy guys." Raggie ignore Acid's comment.

"You are not my dad or my mother so shut up and leave." Y/n said darkly.

"I don't think I will leave Y/n, This might just be the highlight of my day." Raggie mocks.

"Oi Raggie." All of them turned to look at Derek, with a ciggerate in her mouth, his jacket opened and a tshirt inside.

He walked closer to Raggie and they stared at eachother.

"When a girl is telling you to shut up, you should do so, instead of being a jerk." Derek said.

"Who asked you to butt in, Derek? Mind your own business." Raggie said calmly.

Derek's expression darkens, his voice carrying a warning.

"Consider this my business. You've had your fun for far too long. But if you want it to stop, walk away now." Derek said in a low and stern voice.

Raggie smirks and scoffed out. He looked at us and then walked away from there.

"Sala kutta." Sexa said glaring at the back of Raggie's head.

"Leave it now guys." Derek said, sitting down beside Y/n, who just stares at him. "You know staring is a bad thing freshie."

Y/n blinked, looking away quickly. "Who's staring?" She played dumb.

Derek looks at her and chuckled.

For another week Maya and Anni were doing the same thing until Y/n tells Maya to ask him out and she did.

Y/n looks at Maya who sat down with Anni "Today my seniors send me."

Anni smiled, took Mummy's bottle, and gave his to Maya.

Mummy smiled at them, walked over to me. "Hi"

"Hey, they are so cute huh." Y/n said looking at the couple with a smile.

"That they are." Mummy smiled. "What about you tho?"

"What about me?" Y/n asked.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked hesitantly.

"Why? Do you have a crush on me?" Y/n asked with a playful smirk.

"Are no no, it's not like that just out of curiosity." Mummy chuckles nervously.

"Nope, I don't have a boyfriend." Y/n said.

"You must have, you are so beautiful and intelligent." Mummy compliments.

"It looks like you have a crush on me." Y/n suspiciously narrows her eyes at him.

" No no, I swear on mummy." Mummy pinched his neck.
Y/n laughs at this.

As they laughed and talked about stuffs, they didn't knew that Derek was sitting just beside them. He heard every conversation they were having and whenever Y/n laughs or crack some joke he would smile unknowingly to him.

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