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Y/N's dedication to her studies was unwavering. With the determined focus of a true scholar, she spent countless hours buried amidst the piles of books, her eyes scanning each page, absorbing every word. Her mid-semester exams were fast approaching, and she was determined to excel in every subject.

Days turned into weeks, and Y/N remained steadfast in her diligent routine. She rarely took breaks and hardly engaged in conversations with anyone outside her study group. Her classmates had noticed this change in her demeanor, and though they were supportive of her drive, they missed her lively presence.

Derek found himself particularly affected by her absence. He had always cherished their long conversations, playful banter, and shared laughter. The once-vibrant moments they spent together seemed like a distant memory. Derek tried reaching out to her, but he barely see her outside and would whine like a child.

Y/N heaved a contented sigh as she closed her last exam booklet. The grueling week of mid-semester exams was finally over, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been burning the midnight oil, studying tirelessly, and finally, her efforts had paid off. With an entire weekend ahead before the next set of classes began, Y/N was determined to make the most of her newfound freedom.

Returning to her hostel room, Y/N kicked off her shoes and relished the feeling of liberation that tingled through her bones. Leaning against the wall, she took a moment to soak in the sights and sounds of her familiar surroundings. The hours of studying had confined her to the boundaries of her books, but now, she had the whole world at her fingertips.

Just as she was contemplating her next move, a chorus of excited voices erupted from the corridor. Curiosity piqued, Y/N peered out of her room and saw her fellow hostel-mates gathered in front of her room, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Come on, Y/N! You're done with exams! Let's celebrate!" Madhavi, one of Y/N's senior, exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Y/N grinned and eagerly joined the group. It seemed that her friends had planned something special for the night. As they congregated in the common area, the hostel girls exchanged mischievous glances and whispered amongst themselves, their excitement growing with each passing moment.

Maya joined them soon.
Curious about their secretive conversations, Y/N asked, "Alright, spill the beans. What's the plan for tonight?"

Eshana, smirked mischievously. "Well, since we're all in the mood for some fun, we thought we'd organize a game—Truth or Dare!"

The phrase sent ripples of excitement through the group. Truth or Dare was a timeless classic that had the power to create unforgettable memories and forge lasting bonds. The hostel girls were always looking for new ways to make their time together unforgettable, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

There was an air of joyful anticipation hanging in the common area as the girls began to prepare for the night ahead. Party decorations were hastily put up, and snacks and beverages were arranged on the table, ready to fuel the night's escapades.

As the chilly night breeze swept through the open windows of the hostel common room, Y/N and her friends gathered around a makeshift table with an assortment of drinks. The familiar scent of excitement and laughter filled the air as they played a game of truth or dare.

The initial rounds were filled with harmless questions and fun challenges, mostly choosing truth to avoid any awkward situations. However, the seniors, known for their mischievous nature, challenged the group to be bolder, pushing everyone to step out of their comfort zones.

Maya, known for her free-spirited nature, took up the dare challenge without hesitation. With a mischievous grin, she accepted the dare to call Anni, the charming guy from their college, who worked in the warden's office.

Y/N and the rest of the group eagerly waited for Maya to dial the number, anticipation building in their hearts. Maya's hands trembled slightly as she dialed the digits, and then the phone rang.

"Hello?" Anni's voice came through, a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Hey, Anni," Maya began, a playful smile on her face. "I just wanted to let you know that you were looking absolutely handsome today. Keep up the good work!" With that, Maya abruptly cut the call, unable to contain her laughter any longer.

Y/N couldn't help but join in the laughter, cheered on by the rest of their friends. Maya's dare had set the bar higher, and now it was Y/N's turn.

The seniors exchanged mischievous glances, their eyes full of suggestive mischief. They whispered something to Maya, who had that signature spark in her eyes that always spelled trouble.

Y/N quirked an eyebrow, anticipation creeping over her. She had chosen dare fully aware that the seniors loved playing with fire, but she was determined to play along. "Alright, hit me with your darndest dare," Y/N challenged confidently.

The seniors exchanged satisfied smirks before speaking up, "We dare you, Y/N, to call Derek and have an intimidate talk with him, he won't know it's you." Their words were filled with mischief and a daring undertone.


"C'mon it would be fun!" Eshana said.

"I can't do that!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Oh but you have to."

"Otherwise we'll give you a worst dare than this." The seniors said and smirked as Y/n gulped.


Eshana, and the other senior with Maya walked down to the office to call.

She called the hostel off and asked for Derek. Minutes later Derek came.
"Hello?" He said in his sleepy voice.

Y/N's voice trembled as she responded, doing her best to modify it slightly. "Hey, I couldn't help but call you. We've barely talked before, but there's something intriguing about you."

Derek's eyes widened in recognition, but he played along, his tone dropping to a low, seductive timbre. "Well, well, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to? You do sound quite intriguing yourself."

Y/N hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "Let's keep it a secret, shall we? We can be open and honest without any inhibitions. Tell me, what's your deepest desire?"

Derek's breath hitched, realizing that this was no ordinary phone call. The mystery of not knowing who was on the other end of the line intrigued him. His mind raced with the possibilities.

Y/n continued to speak thanking him for not speaking and continued her talk. Derek would speak in between tho.

After a long while, she hung up and exhaled.

"OHHH!!! You did so well!" The seniors said.

"I didn't knew you had that in you." Maya said nudging her.

"Oh this is sooo embarrassing!" Y/n shouted.

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