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We all shouted at the first match of GC among other hostel and H4 as the other one lost.

I and Maya are here with the other boys as they told us to come and we couldn't leave this chance also that Acid tokd there iss a surprise. This was the surprise.

And with that for the other match, in basketball and volleyball, Acid and other boys had tricks to distract them and make them loose the game.

I would be lying if I say I'm not enjoying it. I'M FREAKING LOVING IT. These boys are something else.

The boys who are participating are working hard to win, specially Derek and Annie.

They are like the army who wants to win against a battle. And I love them about this.

"Oye!" I called out Derek who was jogging in the morning.

He stopped, turning iver and looked at me. "Good morning." He smiled.

"Good morning, to champion kaisi chak rhi practice?" I asked as we jogged together.

"Badiya I guess, like bakiya to Lallu hai but I know that they can do it and they will." He nodded with a smile.

"That's the spirit, keep it up."
He chuckled.

We talked for a minute and then walked to our own hostel.


Maya and I were in the library, searching for a book of our subject, when Sexa appeared on the other side of the bookshelf.

"I miss you.' This is Anni's message to you," he told Maya, who smiled.

"I miss you too," she replied.

"I know."Sexa blushed, causing her smile to drop.

"That was for Anni," she said, her eyes narrowing.

"If you miss him that much, then please do him a favour. Make a phone call at 3:00am," Sexa requested.

Maya looked at me, before responded. "But Anni won't talk to me," she pouted.

"Not to Anni. To Venkatesh from H3, room no.175" Sexa clarified.

"Huh?" Maya and I made eye-contact, both confused.

"You see, he has a TT match tomorrow." Sexa's smile turned wicked. "Poor child. How will he win if he doesn't sleep during golden hour?"

"Harami ho tum." I shook my head.

"My mom say it too." He giggled.

"I'll do it," Maya said firmly. "Anything for Anni."

At 3:00 am, the three of us gathered around your hostel phone, Sexa having snuck in with our help. The call was made, with Venkatesh picking up.

"Hello?" A groggy voice was heard.

"Hello," Maya said, voice sultry.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Your fan."

A pause. "...who?"

Maya began to praise him. "You play TT so well. Can you teach me, handsome?"

The boy sounded close to tears. "Yes!"

"Venky, let's spend the whole night talking. The entire night," Maya repeated. "Now, just imagine - you, and me, on the TT table. All. Night. Long."

I and Sexa troed not to goggle hard after all she said and was doing. It was really fun.

After that the call was done really late and we were at the TT match yawning with the opponent doing that too.

We watched as he missed the ball and Raggie was angry from across the room, we three smirked and cheered when H4 won.

Currently we were at the canteen looking over at Annie and Maya as Annie gave Maya treat for helping them.

"Wow, wish I could get too." I tched and sighed.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, looking over I saw samosas, pastery and a chai. I looked up in surprise to see Derek sitting across of me.

"What?" He asked.

"What?" I asked too.

"Eat up these are for you." He said, pushing the plates towards me.

"I..uh..Why?" I asked still surprised.

"For helping us of course." He rolled his eyes. "Now will you eat or else I will-"

"No!" I put my hands on top of the plates. "I will eat."

I started to eat the pastery and sighed at the taste.

This is best!

I was busy eating when I heard Derek laughing. Looking up, i blinked. "What?" My mouth filled with cake.

"Your " he gestures to my mouth.

"Where?" I immediately started to rub in embarrassment but Derek's band came and wipped the white cream, I watched in slow motion as he lifted the same finger up to his mouth and licked it.

I gulped hard as we made eye contact. "Tasty." I cleared my throat and looked over.


I started to eat again trying to erase the moment but couldn't.

I was about to eat samosa but my stomach had enough. "I can't, you eat." I sighed.

"Pack it up, eat in your hostel." He said.

"No no, I can't." I sighed, rubbing my stomach.

"But i will, bhaiya isko.." he walked over with the plate to order the bhaiya to pack them up.

"Pagal." I smiled at the back of him.

Me with y'all making faking scenario about Derek

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Me with y'all making faking scenario about Derek

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