Welcome To Budapest

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Chapter 1

May 2070 Budapest....

Oh my, that ride was so long Clarence why didn't you just teleport us here? I wasn't sure of the layout Sugar I'll memorize it better now okay? Thank you daddy a six hour ride from the airport two more hours by limousine and two by carriage. Lord Jesus take the wheel literally of all those vehicles we were in.

Well we are here now  Gabriel all before sunrise may I add. Gabriel kissed Clarence yawning afterward I have setious jet lag. Valkeryie stood outside of the castle staring. Valdamir spoke in her tounge old Morrish Arabic are you alright my dear? She was shocked he was familiar with the launguage as it seemed to be long forgotten.

The servant's opened the door all vampire's kneeling before them. White vampires Gabriel whispered in French to Clarence. These are our coven vampires they all belong to Vladimir Sugar. Vlad doesn't have a coven daddy. He will as soon as Marcus indoctrines him.

She gave him a look Nicky? Clarence smiled baby it's Marcus' time to.rule as vampire king and in case you haven't heard the Regent vampire king and Queen are on their first official honey moon. Gabriel smiled. We promised not to discuss any business none. Not one ounce daddy.

That is correct Sugar. Clarence bent down Gabriel hopped on his back making the servants that stretched up the one mile walkway all the way to the front door. Thank you Clarence and Gabriel thanked them as they entered the old Mokr built palace. Oh my Clarence it's..beautiful.

Gabriel looked up at a stained glass window above the long winding staircase. The picture was the wedding photo of Valkeryie and her Husband Eclipse.

Valkeryie walked to the first step staring up. The loud sound of swords clamoring echoed in the memory of her minds eye as tears streamed down her face her feet froze as though they were stuck in cement and her memories were clearly on a runaway train bound for disaster.

Vald? Yes Papa? Did you get that vampire psychiatrist to come here and help Valkeryie get through her memories? Yes Papa be is tying up loose ends and will stay here for as long as we need.

Did you find someone without a family that needs him right now meaning no wife or small children? Yes Papa his wife was human died two decades prior and his has outlived his children by half a century.

Clarence nodded yes. He comes highly recommended by Elder Blaise who has worked with him doing research on safely extracting buried vampire memories. Ones that may have been lost during the turn to name specifically.

Good work son thank you. Valkeryie ran into Vladimir's arms crying while his girlfriend walked off being shown to thier bedroom suite cursing in old Russian launguage.

Vlad smiled at Valkeryie ignoring Ingrid's anger my dear i am sorry she is not being very hospitable. Ummmm...Gabriel laughed Vlad is in trouble she whispred to Clarencebut everyone heard including Valkeryie. Mind your business vampire Queen. Clarence and Gabriel were shown to the master suite once belonging to Valkeryie.

As they walked the halls to the west end of the Palace were Valkeryie's Queen suite once was Gabriel pointed and grinned at all the old paintings she had stored in the family vaults hanging on the castle walls.

So this is where all the paintings went Mr. Hollings. Yes ma'am made no sense that such beautiful portraits that we mostly paid for may I add are in storage. These were of the children when they were younger.

Look at you in a confederate uniform. Yeah I had to in order to make it real when the blue coats came to mama safinah and I house during the war. Niarchos said you loved it. I hated it always thought of it as a gag but it's here for you.

Thank you daddy. The butler pushed the large ceiling to floor oak doors open oh my Daddy! Clarence spun around making Gabriel dizzy dropping her on the bed thay could comfortably sleep six adults.

Gabriel turned on a Playlist ad their honeymoon begun.

The East Wing....

Valkeryie cried seeing Kimg Eclipse's large portrait on thier formaly shared bedroom wall. Please take it down Prince Vladimir.

Vlad levitated removing the heavy portrait from the wall as the maids entered with vampire coffee and hot tea.

The duo sat next to the newly added glass patio door as the shine of the full moon danced off the cliffs on the faces of the couple sipping vampire tea.

Tell me what happened sweetheart you're safe with me.

Valkeryie inhaled thinking back.

I was betrothed at the age of twelve and married by the age of seventeen. A year late which worried my parents she smiled. Why were they worried Valkeryie?

I was to be wed on my 16th birthday but my betrothed was in the middle of battle trying to lay the spoils of war at the feet of his young tender bride as a wedding present.

Eclipse was only 21 himself but he was the most powerful warlord that ever reigned on a battlefield. His name alone struck fear in the hearts of those who spoke it and made those who heard it tremble at every syllable of his name.

While he terrorized the country. His heart belonged to me. Valkeryie smiled I would get love letters stained with the blood of our enemies as he cleansed the country of vermin seeking to devour us. My love constantly promising me his undying love and my hand in his in marriage as he made the countryside safe for bringing up our children safely.

Eclipse's promise would be kept but at what cost Vladimir? At the time I had no idea but I was very soon going to find out.

Vampire Uprising  Presents Budapest Queen Valkeryie (© 1 In A Series Of Four)Where stories live. Discover now