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Chapter 2

Sicily the year 1797....

Loud clapping woke Valkeryie from bed. Her lady maid entering how are you still in bed child? Prince Eclipse arrives today. Why do you think he did not want me to come to him as this is tradition.

Do not start this again. Valkeryie, the hills are full of opportunists between Sicily and Budapest. Aside from this it is a sixty day journey in a carriage on horseback. Prince Eclispe can make it in thirty days time. I hear he is a skilled rider and an excellent marksman
Valkeryie. Come, he shall arrive anytime but definitely by sundown to make dinner.

We have to get you ready. Where are Lucia, Alliyah, and Zia..Marrium? Where do you think? Do you think Prince Eclipse is coming all this way without knights and family members of his court? Just like a princess has ladies in waiting, Princes travel with knights, and he is king soon, so he will travel with and entourage of advisors. Your sisters are hoping you get blessed by Allah as you have.

Marrium, why do you think he chose me of the four us? One, you're the eldest daughter with the heaviest dowry, and you know, else why there is no need to discuss it. Come let us bathe you.

Valkeryie's sister's burst in her bedroom they are in town! The Cook said he saw them buying fresh clothing and other items. He said Prince Eclipe bought you a necklace. That will be all there is no need for you to spoil any gifts the prince may want to gift your sister. It is unfair to take her surprise and happiness away from him since he is the bearer of the gift.

Go princesses, go find your mother. No need to call me Marrium I an here. Mother! We are excited Lucia, Aliyah and Zi called out dancing around their mother, who giggled at their school girl behavior.

How are you? She bent to kiss Valkeryie, who moved aside, not wanting her kiss. I am fine, thank you, Coral. Thank you mother please try it, my dear. I promise you shall not die.

Valkeryie looked at her stepmother in the mirror past her own beautiful reflection, exhaling secretly, thanking her real mother she would finally be rid of her.

They are here, Valkeryie, the youngest whispered excitedly. Go..go...go, the three sister's giggled as they rushed to their own rooms for their assigned maids to help ready them for the garden gazebo lunch.

Valkeryie went to the stained glass windows peeking out. She gasped he was taller than she thought his shoulders were huge and broad. He was dirty from the ride in the road, but his smile was contagious. No one told her he was a black man with blue eyes.

She knew he was half white, his father, a Moor king from their original country, and his mother a white princess from Budapest. The European features were on him, but the melanin and dark brown tones is what made him beautiful to Valkeryie.

She prayed he was as sweet and nice and he looked. Her worse fear was that she'd end up with a man who was horrible to women.

Stop that gawking and come ready yourself, child. Comming Marrium.

King Idris El! Prince Eclipse Csech, I see you made it in under thirty days impressive. Tell me how you did it in twenty-seven days, young lord? We cut through the straights of the valley. Since we were on horseback with no carriages, this saved time having to take the main roads my king.

Come let me show you to your wing, and these four Moor men are your brothers, yes, Eclipse? Yes, you are correct Lord El.

Valkeryie heard the men walking in the halls she heard the laughter of Prince Eclipse, which made her smile.

I am so excited, Marrium. I would be also if my intended looked like Prince Eclipse .


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