Marcus' Advice

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Chapter 6

Vladamir called Marcus bright and early. Hello, are Pop and Mama alright? Safinah Marcus' wife sat up hearing the name of their parents so early in the morning. Yes, Marcus, they are good. Marcus lowered his hand, and his wife slipped back under the covers as 4 am. Gerogia Time. Why are you calling so fucking early Vald?

You know I'm still turning. Still? Yes fool my sleep is off and I've been Herr helpimg Fi with all four babies shit is hectic and you're calling knowing it's the wee hours here. Sorry Markie.

What you want big bro? Vlad was quiet he exhaled telling Marcus the whole story. Safinah giggled under the sheets her wolf hearing able to hear now at her age ten miles away.

Marcus went in the hallway sitting on the back steps in the walls behind the old grandfather clock. He lit his weed that he kept there in an old cookie tin on the steps. What? Hahah so what's the problem?

Pop never got angry or pushy or demanding like that and there is something else. What? He was taking drugs. Pop? Yes he popped pills right before me. What color was it vald? What did it smell like?

It was blue and pink a round tablet as big as a quarter smelled sweet almost like candy. Listen Vlad pop is a big boy between us he is trying to show mama that he can be cool like Nick. When mama and Nick are together they behave very deviant as vampires whatever is bad for vampires to do Nick allows mama to do it.

Since I was a baby they would argue about pop upholding the law because he is a vampire king. How he won't be hypocritical. Pop has had to hold all these covens and all their problems on his shoulders since the bite and that was in 1863.

Vlad can you live a life where you're always putting everyone else's needs and desires before your own so much so it cost your wife to marry your son? Your son could give her the wild side of being a vampire when laws chained you to your throne to always stand upright.

For the first time Vlad pop is free from hierarchical expectations and demands expect a serious shift in his attitude and ways man. But drugs Marcus? Them ain't no drugs Vlad that's that cotton candy shit gives you a feeling of euphoria when fucking Vlad. Non habit forming and...he got it from Joseph. He gave pop a suitcase full of vampire drugs.

See pop is a old vampire he never had an old vampire try the drugs. That lab Jojo runs in pops lab and pops alone. Pop wants to marker some of the vampire drugs you know the mild ones. If they are to rough on him then he won't allow his vampire children to take them Vlad.

Relax pop knows what he is doing. But he threatened me Marcus. What are you a pussy? So fucking what pop threatens At least three of us a day you wanted to be in the fold. You wanted to be treated as an equal son because you were bitten by pop just like everyone else. Well you got what the fuck you wanted.

Vampire the fuck up and deal with it nigga. Marcus I don't like that word. Why? It's not nice. Again you want to be one of the brothers get used to being called a nigga white boy shit we call Micah one. You just don't ever use it.

Oh trust me I won't I hate that word. Good now I have to get some sleep Vlad before the four babies wake. How is that fine hit? No Marcus, it's not like that. Yeah, okay, I saw you looking at her ass. She is beautiful I'm a man. No Vlad you're vampire.

Vlad smiled. Go make pop vampire coffee black the former slaves don't take sugar or milk they had to grow up without it and never got used to having it. Really? Yes, Really, Marcus imitated his Russian accent. Mama takes honey with Nick's honey the plain one even if she asked for flavored don't give she will never finish the cup.

Apologize to pop again he will act like it was his fault because he was drinking, and he gets riled up when he drinks. Fact is he meant every fucking word. Haha okay Marcus thank you. Ummm.

How's your first 10 days? Normal, nothing new or monumental pop signed off on a year's worth of shit before he stepped down his signatures are good for a while mime is not needed. Don't worry when something happens you'll hear.

Vlad laughed okay Markie thank you. Be good to that princess she fine as fuck. Haha okay baby bro later. Later Vlad. 

Vlad went to the kitchen it was busy as if he were on the Hollings estate in Georgia without his family everywhere. Goodmorning is the Pharaoh's coffee tray ready? The vampire white maid nodded yes thank you she passed the tray to him with Gabriel's tea and lemon cookies Clarence made the day before on it.

Vlad walked to the door levitating the tray with his mind in front of him. He raised his hand to knock come in Vlad. He entered with rhe tray in front of him. Someone's been working on telekinesis Gabriel said clapping proudly. Lay it down GENTLY vlad I don't want to be burned.

He saw Clarence was still agitated he has a headache she spoke with Vlad telepathically. Stop telling him I have a headache woman. Vlad get my sunglasses and draw the blinds damned Budapesti sun so bright. Gabriel handed him his coffee Herr daddy she gave Vlad a look of don't say anything.

Where is Valkeryie Vlad? Sleep pop. Umm okay have you called Steven? Yes pop he shipped the laptop express. As you ate taking her story make sure you're teaching her the way of the vampire.

Yes pop. Is that all Vlad? I'm sorry papa. Clarence inhaled it was my fault I had too much to drink and experimenting with those blasted pills Joseph gave us well things got a little crazy. Ummm hummm Gabriel added winking at Vlad.

It's my fault I'm sorry as well. Thanks pop. Go spruce yourself up that's a princess you can dress a little more spiffy Vlad. Yes papa. Your a Hollings dress like it what with those cheap duds?

Vlad looked at his clothes confused call Malcolm have him and Hayden pick you some stuff. Yes pop. Very good see you all at lunch. Gabriel waved goodbye. Vlad exited. Stop being surly Clarence. He has to walk a chalk line he wants to be a coven master he has to it Gabriel don't interfere.

Yes daddy. He puckered his lips for a kiss she obliged him smiling.

Vlad knocked in Valkeryie's door he knocked again no answer he opened the door. Valkeryie? Valkeryie?

Oh wow! He looked in the fire place a brick wall was pushed open in the back of it.

Vlad followed the winding
secret spiral stair leading him eight stories beneath the Castle. 

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