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Chapter 10

Three months after the wedding...

Goodbye, Alliyah. I love you. Lucia? She ran out the arms of Eclipse's brother, yes sister? I love you. I love you too. Write to us from Budapest? Of course, Valkeryie hugged Lucia, who left her arms for Eclipse's brother Brave. Brave now had permission to write Lucia, but if he had it his way, he'd ask for her hand.

He told her this but knew he had to go through the proper channels to be her husband. The first Chanel was to get permission, which he had. Second, for his father to agree, which he had via messenger pigeon. Last was to exchange portraits and set the date.

We are halfway there, my love. Don't worry. The rest will be swift, my love, so that we may be together. Lucia nodded. Brave removed a broach from his coat, may I? Lucia looked at her mother, who nodded yes.

Brave pinned the square diamond broach on her dress collar. There what's for you, my love. It's beautiful Brave thank you. Brave kissed Lucia's hand, staring in his eyes. Both love locked speechless.

Zia? The fourteen year old ran to her newly married 17 year old sister. Be good, yes? Yes, Valkeryie. Stay away from the boy in the barn it's improper, yes? Zia smiled, nodding yes. Don't cry, Zia, you will make me cry. I will not Valkeryie. Zia walked off, smiling,fighting her tears.

Father... he came to Valkeryie, quietly handing her three pounds of gold coins. If anything happens, the name of the man for you to contact is in this bag. He lives deep in the forest of Nah. He is loyal and true to our bloodline and will help you get home understand? Yes, father. Trust no one else, yes? Yes. Your sister packed peasant clothing for you if you must flee carry the crest if this house not your husband's, and you may run into his enemies, and they may slay you.

Yes, father, do you suspect foul play? No, to Allah, we pray, but my mother, God rest, her soul said give your girls a way out El she made me promise.

Grandmere was a wise woman father. That she was my love tuck that under your skirts. Valkeryie wrapped the strings of the velvet bag around an inner button, her seamstress sewed on the inside of her skirts.

King El walked her to Eclipse, laying her delicate palm in his hand she's all yours he said in their moorish tongue. I will cherish her father, Eclipse responded. El hugged his daughter again. Coral was behind him. If you need me, I'm at your call, daughter. Write as often as you wish. I also sent a few messenger pigeons with the help that came for your luggage last week. Exercise them so they do not forget their way, yes? Yes, Coral. Valkeryie hugged a teary eyed Coral.

The married couple waved lovingly as the carriage made its way west toward Budapest. We will stay at an inn Valkeryie tonight. Why Eclipse? It's not safe to travel these parts at night. I've already sent our man servant ahead to secure accommodations on our behalf. No worries, my love, you are safe in my hands. Valkeryie nodded yes scooting closer to him, laying in his arms.

So.. how many children did we say again, my love? Was it fifteen? Hehhe, Eclipse fifteen? I said five. Oh my mistake, I could have sworn I heard fifteen.

If Allah decides it so it shall come to pass.

Yes, it shall. He leaned in kissing his new wife.

Excuse me? What do you want, Brave? Do u have to deal with this the entire trip, Eclipse...Sister?

Go to sleep. You're right. Eclipse Brave pulled the hat over his face.

Current Day.....

There, I was a new bride on my way to a new land where I knew no one or nothing, not even the customs. I felt safe and took comfort in the knowledge I was with Eclipse Vlad. He had that gift the world could be falling down around you, but in his eyes was the truth that all would be well.

In his arms was the promise of safety, and that all would satisfy itself.

Valkeryie walked to Vlad, who was totally invested in her and her life story.

She poured them blood unfortunately things aren't always what they seem young Vampire.

Vampire Uprising  Presents Budapest Queen Valkeryie (© 1 In A Series Of Four)Where stories live. Discover now