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Chapter 5

Current Day The Year 2059
Budapest childhood home of Princess Valkeryie.....

My Valkeryie looked at the clock speaking to Vladimir it's very late. I have kept you away from your wife for this, and I apologize. Oh, I am not married, Valkeryie. This is your concubine, then? Vladimir grinned. Please don't call her that she will take my head off. She is very spirited Valkeryie. She smiled spirited like my sister Sasha in the end she was all I could not be. Stop stressing yourself. Valkeryie looked up these windows and will surely kill me at sunrise. Oh no, they won't. Prince Marcus had them replaced with the UV resistant glass that Elder Ann created decades ago.

Black magic Vlad? Valkeryie, there is a huge difference. Valkeryie smiled. Who's room was this when you were a child? She looked around smiling this was Sasha's bed chambers.

Well, goodnight, princess. Good morning, Prince Vladamir she smiled, closing the door behind him. Vlad walked in the large hallway. Clarence was scratched up his hair a mess, and he was covered in blood. Bite marks were everywhere on him with matching scratches. Vlad looked at his neck chest arms and back he looked like he had a fight with a wolf. Then he thought about it and chuckled cause he could have.

What happened to you, Papa? What do you think? Where is my pipe. Clarence checked his robe pocket damn! What pop? Delton forgot to put it in the pocket. Gabriel pushed her arm out the door. Both men chuckled. Thank you, Sugar.

She closed the door, giggling. Walk with me the vampires walked to the garden and sat so what's up with her? Vlad looked up. She was walking me through her life as she recalled it pop. Are you documenting it?  No, sir, not yet. Vlad, get the scroll writers to send you a laptop, so whatever you write converts to a vampire scroll and automatically gets a vault number.

Steven is aware of your documentation. But pop what if?--

I don't want to hear what Valkeryie wants. She may be older than us, but she is a child in her mind when it comes to vampirism because she was put to sleep so early in our evolution. It is up to us to protect her and to help her on her journey. She may be an old vampire Vlad  but mentally, she is weak.

Valkeryie has no battle
Skills or vampire survival skills are why you are here to help her with all this. No no no no pop I'm not a maker. This is why I never made a vampire papa.

It is way too much responsibility. I can't do this. Vladimir paced nervously while Clarence sipped blood tox inhaling his pipe and popping Cloud a party drug jo-jo gave him. Wait pop what the fuck is that?

Clarence gave him a look popping his fangs. Sorry pop calm down. I'm calm watch your tone boy. Yes papa I'm sorry. Clarence retracted his fangs looking off into the night. You wanted for years to be my true son.

For years you envied Chance, Niarchos and Grip. Then when I had blood burns your envy grew until Marcus looked past your skin color and saw you. Foe the first time my son welcomed you into the coven a backlash which is is getting from the elders now.

You will do as my sons do, you will obey every word I say and command. You will learn the blessings and hardships of being my child. The good with the bad this is the bad according to you.

You will not be rebellious toward your maker more less the king regent of global covens. Am I clear Vladimir? Yes papa he fell to his knees forgive me my maker. Remember your place I made have a maker Valkeryie  does not.

I said you will make that girl your charge for five years. You will make her strong since she is an old vampress an naturaly a strong one. I want her for this kingdom our covens and you will deliver her to me as well as anyone affiliated with her that may fit into our vampire family. We will not leave her alone in the world. 

You will make her a battle ready vampress to defend our house in battle. She will be of your house which is of my house am I clear Vladimir?

Crystal Great One. He kept his eyes to the ground beneath him knowing he upset his maker and the only father he's known.

Clarence left Vladimir on his knees walking back up to his wife Gabriel.

Vampire Uprising  Presents Budapest Queen Valkeryie (© 1 In A Series Of Four)Where stories live. Discover now