Town Memories

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Chapter 11

Current Day....

Vlad! Val!? Valkeryie looked down the hall yes my Queen? Gabriel sweetie you are a royal as well as we are there is no need for titles when we are alone okay? Yes Gabriel. Valkeryie spoke in Italian and Gabriel spoke back. We arrived going to town you want to come shop? I don't have any money Gabriel.

Clarence was on the ground level looking up in his classic white suit and fedora. Vladimir will pay for you won't you Vlad? Vladimir smiled I am not making assumptions Valkeryie but I'd love to buy you some new items or whatever makes you happy.

Vladamir smiled with his extremely pale skin and fire brown eyes. Valkeryie smiled. Thank you Vladimir. Come! They four of them got inside the carriage to town. All the stores were open and merchants were in the streets. Usually on a Friday night everything was closed but every heard of the vampire who owned the castle bought Queen Valkeryie of Budapest home.

The towns people wanted to rest eyes on the Queen they heard so many good stories about. Her sovereignty and charity surpassed her along with her love of children and good will long after her death. These were the decendants of the families she saved from famon and some war and they wanted to thank her. If it wasn't for her many of them would not be alive today.

Oh wow Valkeryie you look so cute. Gabriel brushed her dress. Destiny, Sparkle, Egypt, Ember and Winter gave me a LOT of clothes. This was Destiny's dress...I think.

Well it's yours now and you look beautiful honey. Clarence took a coven 1 necklace out his pocket he had made for her before they left the states. This is for you Valkeryie.

She opened the box remembering the day Eclipse gave her the same type of necklace holding his crest on his mother's pearls. Thank you. Gabriel wiped her eyes we are your family now and you are ours. All of your children wear this crest Clarence.

Yes it is our house symbol very powerful in the world amongst our people the vampire and lycans proof you are a part of something bigger. Thank you papa may I call you papa? Clarence smiled why not everyone else does. Valkeryie laughed with Vlad wiping her eyes.

They rode to town slowly around the circled mountain. Gabriel looked over the side I'm scared.

Don't worry my Queen the driver yelled I've been riding this mountain since I was a boy in these parts! You're safe with me! Gabriel closed the carriage window. If you would've met Eclipse you would scream Gabriel. Why? He would be on horseback and I'd be side saddled with him and he would fly down the mountain.

This mountain?! Hehe yes ma'am. Why?! So the animal would be accustomed to our combined weights, learn the mountain incase we had to flee our enemies. No one would be able to keep up with us as we sped down the narrow road space.

Clarence looked into her mind he saw flashes of them being chased in the night down that very mountain. He also saw something else.

She was pregnant.

Vampire Uprising  Presents Budapest Queen Valkeryie (© 1 In A Series Of Four)Where stories live. Discover now