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Chapter 7

Vlad walked step by step down the round winding dusty web cob filled stair case. It was damp and moist. Vlad was amazed at how huge it was he wondered if Clarence knew about it. He finally got the bottom where he stood on the edge of a river bank. There was a long stream of water on it three gondola gondola styled boats vintage itlalian kind. It was pitch black, but Vladamir could see everything around him clearly.

Valkeryie! Sweetie! His Russian accent thick and strong. His voice echoed six times after Vlad called to her. Sweetie? Over here Vlad, she answered in Italian which he understood.

She was standing next to a gondola crying. Oh no, sweetie, what is wrong? Vlad went to hold her the boat... the boat she cried hysterically. Vlad picked her up, carrying her back up the winding stair case.

They were both dirty and dusty. Clarence and Gabriel came running Herr her scream from down the hallway. Gabriel took over speaking in what little Italian she learned from Clarence Niarchos, her second husband and her children. Everyone seemed to master it except her. She sat with Valkeryie waiting for the maid to come with hot tea.

Clarence and Vlad walked through the fireplace back down to the boat post. See pop it's where they'd pm with his Luger drawn. What do you need that for? You've been hanging around Markie to long put that away before you shoot me by accident.

I am supposed to be on my honeymoon, but I feel as though I am starting over when Niarchos and Chance were first turned. In what way pop? Teaching you our ways. I wasn't allowed to be near you, Papa. I was a vampire you turned but wasn't allowed to be in your house to learn the Hollings way of things.

I'm sorry if I'm upset you pop, but I am like a child learning the ways of being your son your likes and dislikes. Please be patient with me. Clarence stopped in the dark hugging Vlad. I'm sorry you're absolutely right. Prejudices kept us apart. Some of it was my fault. I could have gone about it differently as Marcus is doing now, but I didn't.

I'll tell you like I tell Gabriel I'm a very old man and old men are cranky. Forgive me for my lack of patience, son, yes? Yes, Papa. Clarence wiped his tee shirt of cobwebs. They walked some more and stopped.

This is why she was crying, not because of the boat.

Clarence used his cell phone flashlight, holding it up. Her mother step mother father are buried here. Look at the statues.

Very beautiful pop. Yes this is the family crypt it was often under the house in the catacombs in cadtles and palaces of this caliber. Her husband and sisters are not here papa. No, they aren't. I need to find out why and where the bodies are.

Vlad nodded yes. The vampires looked further. This must be an emergency exit in and out the palace look at all those exits and entrances to different rooms in the palace. There has to be one for every room, Vlad

Get security vampires that are sworn to you coven. I don't have a coven pop. Yes, you do. We just haven't indoctrinated you as of yet. What number will it be now that so many vampire houses are applying after the war? Number seven, I held the number for you. Grip is eight, I think.

Pop you held a low number for me? That shows the other vampires that we are an old established house. A lot of vampires were to join the single digit and low double-digit covens.

So I heard Vlad Clarence was enamored at all the entrances and exits. Get me an architect. Yes, Sir. Have the guards get a report for the number of exits and where they lead.

Get a boat maker in town to look at these gondolas and see if they can be restored, especially the ones that weren't in water.  Ride the stream out the Castle tonight. Let me know where it goes, son.

Yes, Sir. How about you get a boat ready for Gabriel and I l. I'll tell you where it leads. Pop the boats aren't secure, or at least we haven't had them checked.

Then go buy us one Vlad. Of course, what was I thinking, Papa? Clarence laughed at his sarcasm. Tell the boat master tonight to get him an extra $5000 American i want a boat on the water for Gabriel a row boat is fine. Did the humans drop by for blood donations? Yes, pop every day, and some are sending children. No one under seventeen that's legal age here Vlad you know this. We don't need trouble with the locals. Papa, this is Budapest, the home of the vampire.

This was Queen Valkeryie and King Eclipse's vampire castle long before you took over pop. The people here look at us as God's even the police so no one will make problems.

No one under 17. Yes, pop.
Continue with the law enforcement payouts and the judges in this town and the four surroundings. Yes, pop. Come, let's check on Valkeryie. Where is your girlfriend?

Left last night pop. I'm sorry, Vlad. Thank you, Pop. Clarence smiled, happy she left with the $500k bribe Clarence gave her to leave and never come back to Vlad. Deep down, Clarence knew she wanted money, so he obliged her.

They returned upstairs. Valkerie was calmer. Clarence, you have to listen to her. Clarence asked her in Italian..what's wring Valkeryie?

My husband's body is missing. It's not where I left it, Clarence. It Valkeryie?

Sorry, Clarence?

Why are you calling King Eclipse it instead of him, Valkeryie?

By the time the 18th century arrived, that's what he'd he was no longer human Clarence for that matter, neither were my sisters.

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