Marcus' Earthing

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Clarence sat on Marcus' bed in his childhood bedroom, nothing nothingthe room he and Gabriel prepared for him on their floor, which he hardly slept in. Niarchos forced him to move in for security purposes. But it's hard forcing a vampire from his crypt, and this entire bedroom suite was his crypt foe fifty years... his entire life.

Clarence grabbed soil from outside the house, lay Marcus in his bedroom slash crypt, and earthed him on his bed, packing the soil he was born on around and on top of his body.

Clarence called for his wives and children. Marcus was fast asleep under the dirt on his bed. His fangs popped and arms crossed. The Egyptian healers chanting prayers in the background. Malcolm was teleported in with Angel.

Angel, go get your mother please. I am about to earth Marcus. Here in his bedroom pop? Clarence smiled. we were standing in Marcus' crypt boys. He was born in this house on this soil and lay in this room as an infant before he slept with us.

This has been his crypt for 50 years. This house...and this bedroom. Hayden cried, holding Clarences hand. It's fine. Hayden Marcus needs to rest, and he will never rest as long as he is awake. All his sons nodded yes in agreement.

He body needs rest. Marcus is fighting his turn a fight he will lose. Until he 100% rests, his turning will prolong itself. What did you do, Papa? I put him to sleep telepathically. He is connected to only me. I can hear when he is about to wake and he and the earth can communicate with me. Under this soil, he is naked. I'm about to cover his face with this veil.

Clarence held up a bloody sheet. What is that pop?

The sheet he was laid on when he came out of his mother's body Hayden. The Egyptian healers said it has his life force on it.

He is wrapped in the rest. He looks peaceful, papa. He is Seth. Sky was on the floor crying his eyes out. Sky? Yes, Papa? He's not dead. Okay, Papa. Artemis walked in. Thank God I love dad, but he was driving me crazy. The siblings laughed. She bent down, kissing him, "See you when you wake old man."

She put her necklace in his hand. No Artemis Clarence handed it back he was born naked, and he has to return to the earth as he was given to her.

She put it back on Mercy, entered with Seven crying like Seth. Clarence shook his head. Children listen to me. A vampire earthing is an honor and a privilege to a vampire. When your father was in his 20s during the pregnancy of the seven, he had to earth me.

Do you know he refused? They chuckled. I had to beg him to bury me in the ground. I guess we have buried so many dead humans we've killed over the years seeing his father go under messed with him psychologically.

I've seen my boy cry but never like that. We all know Marcus Hollings--

Does not cry! His kids said.

Making Clarence laugh. Did he you? Yes, I was gone almost a year, the earth will wake him push him to the surface. This hole is deep enough that I can bury him in the floor.

We will bury him on the floor. They looked at the box of dirt on the pallet and several shovels. We shall earth your father as a family. If any of you are sick and it's getting worse and you are vampires, you will make the decision to be earthed or to earth your children, yes?

Yes, Papa, they responded simultaneously.

Gabriel walked in with Angel. Is he okay, Daddy? she whispered. Yes, he needs to be earthed he's not doing well with the turn. He spoke to her in German, knowing only Hayden understood.

Marcus? She knelt next to his bed, wake him, Clarence. He closed his eyes. Marcus opened his eyes slowly. Mama...

Hi baby. Mama, I'm not doing too well. This turn thing is some real shit sorry for cussin he slurred. I know it took me two years. There were days I hid the pain from your father, and it was so bad. Why did you wait to say you were suffering, Markie? She rested her palm on his hot forehead. He's burning Clarence. I know Sugar he will be fine, Gabriel, as soon as he goes under.

I'm being earthed, Mama. I know, baby, so you can get better. See you when you wake up, yeah? In Budapest? She answered in German only you baby don't bring all these kids.and wives of yours. Hayden chuckled what she said, Hayden?

Learn German Sky. Seth chuckled. My precious son sleeps now. She kisses his lips, and Clarence put him back to sleep. Safinah entered with Kayla. Thank you, Papa, they said, making everyone laugh.

Marcus scoffed in his sleep he said he heard you both, and he loves you. To explain to the babies what's going on. He said yes they understand so explain why thier father is absent and I didn't abandon them. Yes, Marcus Safinah responded I always do my love." She kissed him, hugging him and getting her clothes dirty, trying not to cry. She held onto him for ten minutes.

Safinah Gabriel called to her. Wait, Mama, please.  Safinah shook her head. Yes, Marcus was singing to me, Mama. Gabriel smiled, "That's sweet baby." Kayla kneeled, placing her head on his heart. She burst out laughing. I won't except with Jojo, is that okay? Everyone knew what he said which was Don't give my pussy away bitch.

That's how they spoke to one another jokingly. Jojo was her first husband so that was okay by Marcus. He wants to talk to Bishop Papa. Bishop? The kids asked aloud.

Bishop entered alone what you want nigga? Bishop. Yes Papa? He looked at Safinah who sent Clarence $10k you're short Fi. Papa Bishop didn't know. What happened? You can't say the N word around papa its one million dollar fine. 

Sorry pop. I'll take the ten this time Bishop quiet Marcus don't make follies. What's he saying papa? He's laughing at you Bishop. Bishop Marcus wants me to repeat word for word. Okay papa.

Bishop make sure you get the reports on the new child biter I think there is a ring get one of the teen looking vampire to go undercover in the ring. They aren't allowed to bite figure it out.

Take care of my babies and my wives when I wake up they both better still love me. Hayden chuckled. See you soon old friend dont marry Kayla lile you did Fi when i was sleep the first time negro. Marcus stop Fi said protecting Bishop. Bishop nodded his head yes. Clarence let him see his responses.

I'm ready pop. The Egyptian healers covered him in smoke they nodded yes and kneeled chanting incantations as the scroll writer's and the stone carvers of anubis' heaven took note to add Marcus to the hyreiogliphs and stone walls. Grab those shovels boys. Clarence covered his face with the sheet. He pushed the button lowering six feet deep into the floor. Clarence said an incantation the dirt lit. What's that Clarence. To give the dirt life as if he was in the ground outside so it can heal him with earth's elements Sugar.

She nodded yes wiping her eyes holding onto Kayla and Safinah. The boys covered him with dirt six feet deep. That's it. Clarence close the top of the crip a clear glass window they could look down in.

The kids left one by one clarence held Hayden back while Gabriel cried with mercy and sky. I want you to move back in the big house while your father is eartherd. Have the maid's bring a bed in here for you and Destiny. Yes Papa.

I want guards on this room 24 hours let no one know he is earthed. Of course papa. Good. Pop who's in charge. He smiled you are Hayden. Papa no. Yes Hayden Chance is in France with Mary.

Uncle Nick can do it. Werewolf house welcome in Alaska. Good luck Hayden. By papa! Everyone said waving hugging them. Clarence hugged Gabriel around the waist they were gone.

Mama smells like sex Safinah said to Artemis. Yeah she grinned like papa. Stop that he's your grandfather. It's his smell sorry. Ignore it a vampires sex can can place shewolves in a trance look what happened to Mama Lozelle. They chuckled.

Tell your auntie Chantel papa left elixir instructions for her to make it and call him and out the cost of the herb and to extract the seeds to grow some in thier herbatory. Yes mom. Safinah kissed Artie come help me with sky and Mercy.


Valkeryie and Vlad headed to bed. Vlad? Yes? Can I sleep in your bed? He stared surprised. Of course. He invited her in his bedroom. He went to get them drinks when he returned she was naked.

He said nothing she was so perfect are you sure? She nodded yes. Vlad fell into bed entranced by her love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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