Same God

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Chapter 4

Eclipse spoke with Valkeryie in the launĝuage of old. He was impressed with how well she pronounced the words and how they properly rolled off her tongue. Where did you learn old Moorish Valkeryie? I learned from my mother she made sure that I knew it. During my first six years of life she and my now lady maid then governess only spoke with me in this launguage while my father used the kings English.

Impressive may I ask a question? Of course Eclipse. I hope this is not to personal Valkeryie why does not your mother nor sisters know our tongue. She is of this land and not from Africa of which we hail. She is Sicilian born as are my sisters. A maid in this house my father and her wed two years after the death of my mother.

Does that upset you? It did but no more. You can not help who you love. I do not care for her I never did even when she was a mere servant. I had disdain for her a lack of trust as did my mother. My mother's suspicios were correct.

She wanted my father the entire time. I am sorry Eclipse I fear I may have said to much I am sorry.

Eclipse stopped walking he stared down into Valkeryie's eyes. Never apologize for speaking truth to me...for speaking from your heart. If we are to wed there can never be secrets between us my love.

We must vow to always speak the truth of our hearts no matter how hurtful or true yes? Eclipse restrained himself from touching her the sun kissing her beautiful brown skin just right making her look beautiful as a the Goddess she was. Can we do that this day Valkeryie promise to always be true?

Valkeryie smiled peering up from under her parasol wearing the rich vibrant colors of her house. Yes my Lord. Eclipse call me Eclipse.

Chemmmm. Valkeryie's lady maid cleared her throat both Valkeryie and Eclipe knew what this meant. So Eclipse are you please with what you saw in person? Haha Eclipse let out a jovial chuckle yes very Valkeryie. Will you accept my father's offer of union to join house Budapest and House Scicily in marriage?

He smiled I guess you must wait for my response I do have three suns to render it of this I am sure you are aware Princess. Valkeryie smiled I am sure you shall not keep my nights sleepless as I worry if you shall accept or no. I would make a terrible looking bride with loss if sleep showing under my eyes Prince Eclipse.

They were back at the castle. You shall have answer before your dreams sweep you away on one small condition. Yes anything Valkeryie smiled that if my answer is satisfactory to you..that you shall dream of you and I.

Valkeryie smiled melting Eclipses heart. I shall my prince. Very well shall I see you at dinner princess? You will. Eclipse bowed his head as she walked up the wide winding slate stair toward her wing in the castle.

His eyes followed her until he could see her no more. Chemmm. Eclipse turned to his brother staring I guess I'm gaining a sister Eclipse?

He chuckled walking to his suite.

After dinner the arranged couple went for a walk in the garden. There they spoke of Budapest and what the people were like. Eclipse taught her basic words and spoke of the customs there. However our house still reserves a vast majority of Moorish ways. My father has refused to allow the strange land to creep into his home and completely change who he is.

What about your mother? She is Budapesti no? Yes, she has conformed to the way of my father except her religion which is roman catholic. My step mother is also a Roman catholic.

Eclipse lowered his voice what do you think of this religion Valkeryie? They crucified thier God and says he is still alive? Someone has played a trick upon them Eclipse. He laughed so hard. There KS one God his name is Allah--

Bless his name Eclipse added for our children will be raised in Islam this is the only God they shall know. Valkeryie smiled I was worried for a while you would also be catholic. As I were about you now that are heads are clear and our hearts are one.

Eclipse fell on one knee princess Valkeryie will you with the blessing already received by your father the high El of this land be my wife and future Queen of Budapest? Valkeryie smiled controlling her excitement as her lady maid taught her as not to look to eager.

I will my Prince. Eclipse kissed her hand. He removed his necklace with the crest of his house made of pearls and gold upon her neck. Valkeryie smiled thank you my lord.

No my love...thank you.

Vampire Uprising  Presents Budapest Queen Valkeryie (© 1 In A Series Of Four)Where stories live. Discover now