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Chapter 9

The day was finally here, Vladamir. My childhood scicily, was all a buzz however my father King El wanted a small private wedding. We had enemies to the North trying to close in on us he didn't want my wedding to become a blood bath.

Only people of the high court were allowed to attend and of course Eclipse's family. It was an exciting day for me and a nervous one.

I had a traditional Moor wedding which was held in the high hills at sunset to show the setting of two separate lives that were ending and when the sun rose again we would have consummated our bed and been joined as one with the rising of it signaling new life and one in union under the laws and love of Allah.

We were on a cliff the sun before us slowly sinking into the horizon. The sea crashed easy below them as high tide began to roll in.

The Imam opened with a beautiful prayer to be honest Vlad I didn't hear one word of it. I was so happy to be getting out of my stepmothers presence and marrying a man who seemed willing to give us a chance.

The ceremony was over and in ten minutes I was the princess of Budapest one day to be Queen. We were escorted to the palace where we feasted and drank spirits my stepmother Coral had the maid's make my drinks heavy.

Vladimir scoffed why? Her wedding night was disastrous he was too rough a brute this was when she was a commoner. Her heart was in the right place. I see that now. I was so eager to be rid of her when all along all she did was love me to the bitter end.

She truly did have my best interests at heart but by the time I saw it time befell my ignorance and it was too late.

Did you drink the cups of wine? I did..two of them Vlad mostly out of nervousness you know it being my first time. We were escorted to our bed chamber at sunrise guests were still partying below us.

The imam prayed over the marriage bed and he exited along with Eclipse's father my father and step mother. I was woozy so.i sat on the bed.

Eclipse went to hold me and I jumped. He chuckled saying we will consumate our bed when you are ready my love. Let me help you out of your dress. What will we say when they ask have we consummated the marriage bed? I will say yes and so will you.

I smiled because he was willing to lie for me if he would lie and stain his honor he would have no problem laying down his life. When you are king will you sleep with others Eclipse? He undressed totally naked so I did the same. Vlad laughed why? I don't know he looked comfortable she giggled.

I got in bed under the sheets while he remained above. I stared at him for at least an hour never touching just looking. It was my first time seeing a naked man in my life. He raised my hand placing it on his chest. He nodded yes as my hands grazed his warm beautiful skin.

Just then I saw him manhood rise just as Mirium and Coral stated. It was amazing seeing that it rise just like bread slow and easy with every touch it grew more and more. I removed my hand and turned my back to him. Still on top of the sheets he cuddled close to me.

The warmth of his body and breath blowing on the nape of my neck raised a fire in me I never felt. His hands held me close and on five minutes he was snoring.

Hahaha Vlad laughed so loud it was contagious making Valkeryie laugh as well. He was drunk Valkeryie? Very I came out from under the sheet grabbed a heavy blanket and covered us. I stared myself to sleep. Touching his hair and his beard and mustache all Muslims had one.

How his skin was so dark but his eyes were cool as pools.of water. When Allah made him he broke the mold Vlad. Every now and again you meet a human with rare features what makes them more handsome or beautiful is they have an attitude a perfect one that matches that beauty and that was Eclipse.

He was handsome as he was charming. Charming as he was intelligent. Intelligent as he was swift in battle. He was loving and heroic and everything any woman could want in a man. He sounds like the new Vampire king Valkeryie.

She sat up in bed staring as the moonlight shone on her face. You mean prince Marcus? Yes he is the reigning vampire king. I see a lot of Marcus in Eclipse she giggled minus the cockiness.

Vladimir laughed again don't let him hear you say he is cocky. What they do have in common as well is arrogance. It would be this arrogance that was the cause of Eclipse's demise Vladimir.

She looked out the window as her thoughs traveled far away from the bed she lay in. Are you okay dear? Humm? Oh, yes Vlad I am. What happened next?

Vladamir poured her some fresh blood o negative. Thank you Vlad. He nodded pouring himself a glass. Well we got to know one another.

We were like kids and essentially we were I was seventeen and Eclipse nineteen but as you know in the late 1700's he was a man and I a woman 1 year past marrying age. Vlad smiled nodding yes.


Yes Vlad? Oh I didn't call you Valkeryie. I could have sworn...nevermind where were we Vlad? Oh yes after the wedding. So we were horse back riding, swimming neud, running over the field wild and free. My father given us a small but private cabin away from the prying eyes of the palace walls.

A place he and my mother went and my grandparents before them to be alone after the wedding. That was sweet Valkeryie. I think so. Still no sex? No only intimacy laying naked together bathing together even cooking and feeding one another together.

He was waiting and waiting patiently he was for me to come to him. I wanted to but at the same time didn't want to appear desperate or cheap. You were married for God's sake. I know! She giggled but all your life you're told don't toss yourself don't stare don't this Don that and finally all the don't just dissappear?

It's a lot to wrap your mind around Vlad. He grinned no I get it Valkeryie. One night--

Here it comes. Hehe. There was a terrible rainstorm not like the ones today no sir. I've seen trees split into peices and thats more then once in my human life. Here we were in the tiny two room cabin rehich shook if the wind blew to hard.

This magnanimous thunder storm clapped violently around us mixed with equal parts of torrential rains and wicked winds. Eclipe made me tea to calm my nerves tea with a Marijuana leaf in it. Hahah Valkeryie laughed again.

There were tons of blankets in front of the fire place we stretched out. As usual at night Eclipse read from the holy Quran. I pushed the holy word down pushing my body as close to his as possible slipping down into the softness of the blankets while the world whipped angrily at our door.

I let go and gave myself to him this was rhe first time I said Eclipse I love you. He said I have loved you since I first lay eyes upon you I waited for this day patiently.

I promise to never hurt you or distort the love we exchange this day. For I am yours--

And you are mine I said to him a he entered me for the first time since we wed.

We were young, free, in love with the world at our feet little did we know it would be short lived. A war was brewing not in scicily but in Budapest not far from where where we are right now.

Fourty three days later Eclipe would leave me for war taking our soldiers with him 10,000 of out fourth thousand. Wow your father had a huge army.

The largest in Italy many kingdoms wanted my hand because of this reason many kings were upset when he refused to join forces with European kings chooing his countrymen helping to strengthen his ties in Budapest.

My father King El knew Eclipse's father was in danger and without his army his kingdom would fall.

Because they grew up together he couldn't allow this, so Eclipse and I married to join houses, two nations and most of all two of the world's most powerful armies ever known to mankind.

Vampire Uprising  Presents Budapest Queen Valkeryie (© 1 In A Series Of Four)Where stories live. Discover now