Shopping Spree

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Chapter 12

Valkeryie, Vlad, Clarence, and Gabriel arrived in town. Valkeryie smiled because it was lit with fairy lights in old world style. Music played, and children ran around. Cars were parked in the lot equally with wagons and carriages. The towns mayor had a spot saved upfront for Clarence. There were water buckets of water for the horses and hay for them to eat. The mayor assigned a man to stand by the carriage and care for the horses while they visited. The mayor greeted them, kneeling everyone, and they stopped what they were doing kneeling as well. Clarence spoke in Budapesti to the mayor, who was also in charge of running three of his mills, which bought 85% of income to this town and the surrounding towns as well.

Marcos, please allow me to introduce my bride, Queen Gabriel Hollings, and my son, whom you are accustomed to Prince Vladmir Gobetrev, and this is---

The mayor stared at Valkeryie. She needed no introduction, his accent heavy speaking intentionally in old budepesti tongue. Queen Valkeryie, it is a pleasure and an honor. Welcome home, my Queen. Thank you. Please, the mayor called for his wife come my dear. His wife stook, crying tears in her eyes. Valkeryie stepped out in front of Clarence, letting Vlads hand go.

It can't be she gasped in amazement at the woman standing before her with vampire colored eyes. No way... the woman opened her arms. Valkeryie ran into them, crying her eyes out. The mayor smiled, staring at Clarence. I'm sorry, my King, let me take you out of your confusion.

This is my wife Marrium she was Queen Valkeryie's lady maid.

The two vampress women cried, happy tears. Marium smiled. Look at your hair it's a mess she said in English. Gabriel laughed she reminded her of her mother in law Sofia, always looking at their hair.

The townspeople rose as the jovial festival music continued. Little girls pointed at the two Queens walking past them waving and smiling. Gabriel and Valkeryie smiled and waved back. Clarence and Vald spoke with the politicians and business owners of the town. Of course, Clarence had Vlad set up a business meeting where all of their concerns could be heard and a grievance, if any, could be resolved. Clarence felt like a fish out of water, not having any of the sons he raised to know exactly what to do when he gave an order.

With Vlad, he had to hold his hand he wasn't upset he blamed himself for not pouring as much into him over the century as he had his other children because he was white. He was here with him now and was going to fix where he went left.

If he was going to be Marcus' advisor, he needed to prepare him for the position unbeknownst to most Marcus was way harder on his people than he could ever be. There were many days he had to force Marcus to raise his hand off his sons he was being to hard pushing them away. On his staff and soldiers he was way worse.

This would be Vlads training grounds he wasn't going to always get the nice side of Marcus and when the vampire beast in him showed up Vlad needed to know how to handle him.

Clarence excused himself from the town and surrounding town officiates. He and Vlad looked around, and Gabriel was off someplace with Valkeryie and Marrium.

A man hand hand made guitars made from teak wood. May I? Of course, my Lord. He passed Clarence the one he pointed to. It was ornate beautifully carved, and it was the house colors of black with gold roses all over it. The gloss was a high shine.

Clarence held it singing Imagine by John Lennon. He connected to a shopping Gabriel, showing her the memory of their eldest sin Malcolm singing this song and playing the guitar when he was in the 6th grade for the talent show. He locked to his son in the States, who was at a meeting in Washington, allowing him to share the memory.

Malcolm smiled. I love you, Papa. I love you, son. Gabriel dropped the dress clapping with the townspeople for Clarence, who had his eyes closed the entire time while singing.

Thank you, he waved. I'll take it and the other there with the red roses please. I'll send my butler to retrieve them. Thank you, sir. The man was happy Clarence paid him in confederate gold coins.

He and vlad walked past a doll maker. Oh lord, Vlad said aloud, grinning. What? What is Papa going to buy all his girls... even the grown women? How many women? Are we including Elders? Of course, Vlad. Humm? Fifteen pop. That sounds light, Vlad. No papa that's over. it's really 12. I added three extra. Well, if the count is off after I sign cards and tie them to the dolls, you're coming to town to get the rest.

Yes, pop. Clarence gave him a side look, making it 20 dolls, please. All black, if you have them, if not white on traditional attire, will due. Yes, my lord, as you wish. Clarence paid with three Confederate coins. Thank you, my lord!

Vlad passed him a cup of whiskey tox blood in ice. This is good. I thought you'd like it. He sipped again and got the man's name so he could speak with Marcus about bottling his recipe. Yes, pop. Vlad was writing notes. Let me see that? Vlad passed him the pad. Clarence ripped it up. Never write what we are doing. If you lose this, our enemies have a dossier of our financial plans. Clarence tapped his temple, remember yes?

Clarence held the pad open. Vlad looked down reading, "You got it?" Yes, pop. Clarence whispered a white salt incantation, the pad burning in his palm.

The Night went well as Gabriel and Clarence, with the help of Valkeryie and Vald with Marrium , took them to all the merchants she knew were struggling badly and bought a lot of items.

Gabriel bought all the girls beautiful ornate mirrors for their bedrooms. Clarence had her pick Sparkles thier granddaughter one she couldn't enchant, which made Gabriel laugh, thinking of her trying to break Clarence's spell on the mirror. Do you think she will break the spell without breaking the glass daddy? No Sugar how about a bet? Okay what? You have to blow me for one hour straight no break. If I win? What do you want Sugar? Gabriel grinned maniacally doggy style pound one hour you can't cum or you owe me one milluon dollars in cash. Clarence smiled agreed.

Valkeryie picked comb and brush sets for the women, Clarence and Vlad picked knives, bow and arrow sets, guns, and other concealed weapons for whomever claimed them first. That's a bloodbath, Clarence, making them get weapons first come, first served.

I paid Ember to record it. Haha, has she forgiven you? Halfway Sugar, I got her a new car that helped. Gabriel shook her head. What? You're teaching her that forgiveness comes through gifts and that you never did that with any of our other children. Marcus stopped speaking to you five years when Fi was kidnapped and alleged dead, and you never sent him a present once.

Not true I sent Marcus weapons he returned them with a note. My love and forgiveness are not for sale vampire. You never said daddy warbucks! I smiled Sugar because I recall getting similar notes from his mother when we first wed.

Gabriel smacked on caramel popcorn, yep. Clarence laughed slapping her ass playfully, picking her up over his shoulder, and running to the carriage, making the townspeople laugh.

Vlad held his hand out for Valkeryie she put her daintly hand in his locking eyes, smiling at him. Marrium stared, saying nothing, knowing that her falling in love with Vlad was a huge mistake.

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