Mother Daughter Chat

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Chapter 8

Valkeryie woke it was night. The doctor gave her a sedative, and she opened her eyes to moonlight shining in her bedroom. She looked to Vlad asleep on a corner chair reading. He set the corner up like Niarchos had in Gabriel's bedroom when he was her royal guard. He now knew how he fell in love with Gabriel because he sat in that chair for hours staring at his sleeping beauty.

He knew he couldn't have Valkeryie she was a Queen afterall and he was white and not even acknowledged as a vampire prince within his fathers house. He wasn't written in the scrolls as a son of the Pharoah.

Yes, he was spoiled by Clarence, who taught vampirism by him. Clarence left his family five years to live in Russia because he turned Vlad vampire, and as per vampire law, they had to spend five years together. Vlad smiled, thinking of those years when he had Clarence to himself. He took those years for granted one but realized as time went on how precious they really were.

Welcome back, Vlad said in Italian. Valkeryie sat up slow. Where is Queen Gabriel? Vlad pointed to the west window. A five foot six Valkeryie looked out the window, smiling at Gabriel and Clarence laughing on the water.

There used to be fish in the water, I'm not sure now. What a beautiful boat. Yes, I boat a couple today from the town boatmaster. Valkeryie smiled. Eclipse was that way. Anything I wanted I had at my fingertips no matter how expensive or odd the item.

So what happened, Valkeryie, after the garden walk? Did Eclipse ask for your hand?

She smiled

Sicily 1797 Spring....

Princess Valkeryie, will you be my bride? Valkeryie looked to her father, who nodded yes holding the hand of her white stepmother." Yes, Eclipse.

Eclipse placed his house necklace around her neck, a medalian as gold as the sun on a double strand of pearls. This was my mother's when my father asked for her hand it be an honor of you wore it Princess.

Eclipse bowed bis head before his future queen a sign of respect before her father. Thank you. The wedding shall be held in three moons. So soon, Valkeryie smiled? Did you want to wait, Princess? She looked to her father, who nodded no. No Eclipse, forgive my speaking out of turn. I am eager to make you my bride it is I who owes an apology, my Princess. Goodnight.

Eclipse walked off with his brother and cousins. Valkerie ran in her room, screaming in happiness, hugging her three sisters who were equally happy for her. That's enough now you three go to your chambers your lady maid's are waiting with rose waters to bathe you.

They kissed Valkeryie goodnight, leaving her happy. Her stepmother looked to the servants who exited, including her beloved lady maid. Valkerie reached her hand for hers she tapped it, nodding yes, assuring she would return for her nightly bath.

Once alone... you will be checked by Eclipse's doctor to make sure you're chaste and you look fine to bear children. They will make you part your thighs open your womanhood and look up. What are they looking for?

To make sure you are in tact, untouched, pure. I will be in the room as well as Marrium, do not fear. It will be uncomfortable but will last no more than five minutes at the most.

In three days you will wed do you know what will take place on your wedding night Valkeryie? Yes, we will have relations, Coral. What will happen during those relations, Valkeryie?

She was quiet. Prince Eclipse will become aroused by you when this happens, his manhood will stand up. He will part your thighs and join his body to yours. How he will do this is push his manhood in your vagina. He will stir his membrane inside of you until he releases his seed inside of you.

You want this to happen so you can be with a child. You will know you are with child when your menses cease. Do you understand? Valkeryie nodded yes. If he is rough or hurts you in a bad way, please let me know, not your father, Valkeryie. She nodded yes.

Prince Eclipse seems like a gentle man. We have made inquiries with...woman he has layed with in his past they all have said he is a fair, caring, and gentle lover. Valkeryie exhaled a sigh of relief.

Did you think we would marry you off to a brute? No Coral. She cringed mother please Valkeryie. Coral, you are not my mother. You are my sisters mother. I respect your position as Queen and that you are my father's wife. I shall never call you by the title I called the woman who gave me life.

I am sorry, but that is the truth of it. If I call you mother, it is a betrayal to the one who birthed me, Coral. It has no bearing on my respect for you as my stepmother, and I thank you for all you have done for me.

All you've done that I can see and can not see. Coral fought back her tears. I love you, Valkeryie, since I was a maid to your mother whom I have loved since I was a child in this palace.

When Queen Analise passed, a part of me passed with her. I promised her on her death bed to love you and care for you till now. I have kept my promise. I was at the side of your mother's bed the night she bought you into the world, Valkeryie.

If this is so and my mother's love and generosity weighed on you so heavily, then you must understand why I will never bless you with her title. When she died, she took it with her. There is nothing more to discuss on the matter. Please stop asking if it upsets me.

Coral tapped her hand your wedding attire fitting is after breakfast. Please adorn your corset. Thank you, Coral. You are welcome....daughter.

Marrium reentered her bed chamber. What did she want? Copulation discussion. Did you explain to you and I have discussed it since your message arrived at the age of ten? No Marrium.

Did you tell her all the fun stuff that could happen with your husband? Does she look like she knows sex can be fun, Marrium?

Hehe, you may have an excellent point, Valkeryie. The women laughed, getting her ready for her bath and the days ahead for wedding preparations.

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