Chp 7 : Expectations

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I'm so tired. Today's service took longer than I anticipated. The pastor kept going on and on about repentance. He was oblivious to the mammerings of the church members.

Praise and worship were on point. No complaints there. I hope that in the future they stick to their schedule.

The worst part of it all was that after service, people kept approaching me to welcome me home. Some went as far as to ask me if I was in a relationship. The nerve of it all.

Closing the door behind me, I fell gracefully on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"What is it about people and relationships?" They could have asked about anything but my love life. I sigh in frustration, pinching the bridge of my nose. I can use a rest. Turning to my side, I drifted off.


"Beep, beep, beep," the alarm went.

I moaned as I rolled to my side. "What time is it?" Sitting up in bed, I run my hand along my face. A glance at my clock was enough to make me jump out of bed.

"Fuck, it's 4:30 p.m. How is it that nobody wakes me up?"

"I gave Ben 5 p.m. to pick me up. I only have thirty minutes to get ready. How can a lady use thirty minutes to dress up? 'Argh!' I haven't even picked a dress yet."

I run frantically to the washroom.

"Shelley, are you awake?" asked Sam as he tapped on my door and poked his head in.

"Mom wants me to find out if you will be joining us for dinner."

'No,' I replied from the bathroom. "Why did you make me sleep that long?"

"You needed the rest. You kept yawning on our way home. I figured it was as a result of your late-night sleep, and we did wake up early for church. Where are you going?" He asks this as I emerge from the bathroom.

"Out for dinner with a friend."

"You mean, Mr.Adams?!"

"I meant a friend. Stop questioning me and help me pick out a dress for the evening."

I lay on the bed in two dresses of my choice.

"This and that-which one do you think I should go in for?" 'Sam' has always had a keen eye for fashion. Usually, he was my go-to for fashion advice.

Neither, he says.

I made sure he knew I wasn't messing around by giving him a murderous stare.

Chuckling, he makes his way to my wardrobe. "Let's see what else you have." Scanning through my things, he remarks, "That is a dress fit for an evening out."

Holding in his hands is a dress made of silvery-grey satin with a high slit and a laced low cut back.

"Are you insane? That is too revealing."

"Nonsense."You are going to show a few skins here and there, and besides, he will hardly notice.

"You will have to be blind to not notice that."

"Quit whining, will you? Why buy it if you do not plan on wearing it?"

"I do plan on wearing it, just not tonight." As I was arguing with Sam about the dress in hand, I heard the horn of a car.

"He is here!"

'Good.' "It looks like you do not have much time to pick another dress." He says, with a smirk and a smile.

Fuming, "Give me that," I said as I grabbed the dress and dashed into the bathroom to change.

"Shelley" You have a guest. "A minute Mom, Coming."

As I made my way to the living room, I saw Mr. Adams having a deep conversation with my parents. My dad walks over when he locks eyes on me.

"My oow my, you look beautiful." As if on display, he turns me around. "Isn't she beautiful? I want my daughter home before midnight-not a minute late. Such a jewel should not be kept out for long." He said this as he looked at Ben with a smirk.

As if unaware of my parents' presence, he stood there perplexed. I couldn't make out whether it was my dress or how different I looked tonight.

I was expecting him to say something, but instead, he stood and stared.

"Christ," I am fucked. How can one woman have so much tucked away in simple clothes?

Just look at how that dress cups those big breasts. It leaves more to be desired.

I really should get a hold of myself. Clearing my throat, I finally speak.

"Mrs. Dickson, I come bearing a gift. For you." He says, handing her a gift bag."

"Please call me Juliana, and thank you so much. You really shouldn't have."

"It's not a problem," he says shyly. Looking my way, he utters, "Shall we?" I bid my parents goodbye as I walk out with Ben.

"Sir, don't worry; I will have your daughter home before midnight." He says this across his shoulder as we make our way out.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked on our way to the car.

"You will know when we get there. It is a surprise."

"Let me get that for you," Ben says, reaching past me for the car door.

"I am perfectly capable of opening the door myself, you know."

"Yes, you can, but why do it when I am here to do it for you?" he replies.

I slip next to him in the driver's seat. Closing the door, he joins me shortly.

"Relax. I know you are not comfortable not knowing where you are being driven, but I can assure you that you are safe with me."

"If it will make you feel better, I did inform your parents where we would be dining."

Somehow, this piece of information made me relax a little during the ride. Not that I felt unsafe with him, but at least someone knows where we'll be.

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