Chp 30 : A Lover's quarrel

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Sitting by the kitchen counter with tea in hand, Shelley scans through the magazine in front of her with slow music playing on the stereo. "Tring, Tring," goes the phone beside her. "Hello..."

"Girl, where have you been? I passed by your place last night, but you weren't home." She flips through a page while the phone is on speaker when she says, "I received an invitation to a club yesterday."

"A club, with whom? You don't do clubs." Mabel inquires.

"Yes, I don't, but I went anyway with Ben."

"Oh! with Mr. Adam. How was it?"

Sighing, she said, "Good. The place was so jam-packed. He got us a private lounge upstairs since I don't do so well with crowds. We started off with some drinks, then had conversations here and there. Later, he invited me to dance with him."

"Me! Can you believe that? I don't dance; I can't dance, but he insists. He guided me to the dance floor. It was so funny. I kept stepping on his foot. Never once did he complain or laugh. Instead, he was patient and showed me the steps. It was quite easy. Soon, I fell in rhythm with him."

"We danced for a few moments, mostly kissing. I have lost count of the number of times we kissed. It was so intense. To be honest with you, I feel dirty."

"Oh, come on, don't be silly. It was just kissing and dancing," she says. "It was just that, right?"

"Yes, but it left me wet elsewhere. You have no idea what he did with his tongue in my mouth. Thinking, however, is now making me wet."

Mabel giggles. "Hearing you talk about it is also making me wet. I told you he was a McDreamy." Both ladies laugh.

"Then, I guess you two are exclusive now."

"Not yet. Although I heard him comment on making it official, I pretended not to have heard it. I am not ready for that yet."

"What do you mean you are not ready yet? You have been kissing, and I am sure last night was not the first time you kissed. What are you afraid of, Shelley?" she asked.

I could feel the frustration that comes with the question. If she is like this, then I am afraid of how he might take it when he finally asks to be exclusive with me.

"Don't get me wrong. I do have feelings for him, and I do want him around. Must we put a label on it? Everything is fine so far, so why complicate things?"

"Listen, Shelley, every guy would love to introduce the girl he is in a relationship with to his friends as his girlfriend, and Adam is no different. You need to figure this out before it gets any serious."

"By the way, when are we having our girls out?"


Mabel is right. Ben might want to take things to the next level. Am I ready for this? I will have to avoid him while I think about it.

This past few weeks, I have been getting myself busy at work and coming home late. I've been striving to stay away from Ben.

On the weekend, I visit Mabel at her parents' house. Catching up on things with her parents or herself. On other occasions, I offer to babysit her son while she goes to work when her parents are not around to help, so I can avoid Ben.

Most of the time, we embark on our long-overdue girls' night out. I do get home late, but I must say it has been fun.

Ben calls when he can't reach me at home, I usually avoid answering his calls. However, when I realise that doing so could lead to suspicions, I do answer his calls, taking care not to engage in lengthy conversations. Although I long for his affection, it is best that we don't see each other often until I figure out what to do with my feelings for him.

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