Chp 28 : Intrusion

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There has been very little alone time for me recently. If it's not Ben showing up unannounced, then you can always count on Miriam to request a day out. Ever since she found out she was expecting, she has been on high alert. Every time she has a little indication of being pregnant, she calls me. She gives the impression that she could burst at any second. Surprisingly, her pregnancy is still in its early stages.

I was hoping to get away from it all today. My original agenda included sleeping in and finishing off some errands. Nevertheless, my preparations were thwarted by Ben.

Once again, he's perched on my couch. On this occasion, he carried his work with him. I must make an appointment to discuss this with him. Otherwise, he will also be leaving his clothing here. "Absolutely not!" I refuse to accept him as a roommate.

Despite my animosity for his invasion of my personal space, I find it enjoyable to see him work. While working, he appears quite focused. As I sip my drink, soup sizzling on the stove, I can't help but adore him.

These eyes beg me not to look away. I couldn't help but notice his biceps flexing with every move he made with the pen on the sheet he held. His back leans on the sofa arm, exposing half of his chest, while his right leg kicks up on the sofa. "Isn't he sexy?" Perched on him, I thought. Forgetting completely about the soup on the stove.

The sizzling sound of the overboiled soup hitting the hob snaps me out of my daze.

"Shit! the soup," I say as I dash to the kitchen.

"Is everything alright?" he asks.

"Yes. Everything is just peachy." As I turn off the stove's fire, I utter these words. I set up a few dishes and poured the soup into them.

I cautiously approach him with the dish in my hand as I say, "I believe a break is in order for you. Your soup is ready."

"My goodness, I'm so grateful. You are God-sent." Shelley curiously looks at him studying his expression. A giddy grin spreads across his face as he takes a drink. "Tastes great. Do you happen to know what this soup is?"

"This is goat soup, also known as light soup in this country. I am glad it meets your approval. For a moment there, I thought you were going to spit it out." This is accompanied by her giggles.

"What? Of course not. Although I must admit I was curious as to how it might taste since I have never had it before. I must say I really enjoy it."

"Well then, I'll leave you to it." She says as she makes her way to the kitchen to serve herself.

After helping herself to some soup, she joins him on the sofa. Side by side, they eat and have light conversations. Just then, a call comes in on his phone. He looks down at it and notices it is a call from Matthew.

"Hello." He says. "Really! Congratulations man. This is wonderful news." As I listened to Matthew talk about looking forward to being a father, I couldn't help but be happy for him and Miriam. The most amazing part is that they want me to be the godfather to the child when it is born. We joke about what we will do once the baby arrives. After speaking to Miriam, I bid the soon-to-be parents goodbye. I turn to inform Shelley about the news, but I notice she isn't where I thought she would be; that's right beside me. She might have taken advantage of the call and made her way to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

Just when I was about to sort her out, she emerged from the kitchen, drying out her hands with the napkin. I made my way to her. "Hey, guess what."

"What?" she says. "Matthew and Miriam are expecting." "That's great." Wait, did you know about this?

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