Chp 17 : Confrontation.

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The pain from this headache is unbearable. Sarah will be my host for an unknown amount of time. Day after day, she has kept me up at night. Ever since she found out that Clara was engaged to her ex-boyfriend. Her life has been depressing.

All she does is make me watch soap operas with her every night, resulting in me going to bed late. It's as if I hadn't had enough romantic sh*t. This is affecting my day at the hospital since I don't get enough sleep, making me tired all the time. I don't know how much more I can take. She needs to leave, and I mean now.

Bringing her over to my apartment two nights before is beginning to make me regret it. Hopefully, this medication I picked up at the pharmacy will alleviate my headache.

"Shelley, is that you?" As she spun around, she saw Margaret and Dr. Blackson approaching her.

"Margaret," I asked, "Why are you in this place?" Oh, are the lads all right?

"Yes, they are okay. What makes you think they are not?"

"The fact that I see you here makes me worry that everything is not okay, since I don't see you very often at the hospital."

"Aw, my darling. The boys are doing well. Visiting Matthew's wife is my sole purpose here. A quick trip to the emergency room was reported for her."

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"An automobile accident appears to have been her involvement. Despite taking a heavy blow to the head, she is doing OK." Said Blackson. "A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of her brain will be performed to rule out the possibility of a brain haemorrhage. In order to show our support for Matthew, we visited her. Fear grips the helpless man."

"My goodness, I am so sorry to hear that. I wish there was something I could do."

"Well, remember her in your prayers, and if you could pass by and see her, that would help. I know you do not know her, but it will mean a lot to Matthew if you do."

"Sure, I will do that."

Well, I will have to leave. The boys will be closing from school at any minute. I will have to pick them up, says Margaret.

"Wait up, guys. Seriously, you were leaving without saying goodbye."

At the same moment, everyone looks up to see Ben storming over to us, his face betraying his anger.

"Nobody told us you were here, Ben." Response, Blackson.

"Where on earth do you expect me to be right now? Do you have any idea how Matthew ended up here? The news that his wife had been in an accident left the man in a terrible state of mind. He was escorted here by me."

"Then, where were you when we came to visit them?" asked Blackson.

I went to get Matthew something to eat. The poor guy hasn't eaten anything since this morning. I need to get him something before he ends up joining his wife on admission.

"We are so sorry. Matthew did not inform us that you were around."

"Oh yeah, he must still be in shock. Anyway, I need to go home and freshen up because I have been here since dawn. I need to make a quick drop-off and come back here to keep him company. He really needs the support."

"Ben, you don't have to rush back. I will set off Margaret, and then I will go back to the ER and keep him company. You need to go home and rest."

Ben looks terrible, I'm afraid. He seems completely exhausted. Take a look at the bags beneath his eyes. He clearly hasn't rested enough. To my dismay, he has paid me no mind at all. Talking to Blackson's is all he has been doing since he got here. Like I don't even exist.

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