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"Hey, Lili?" Jennie turned her attention from her breakfast to the woman sitting opposite her.

Lisa ignored her and continued to eat her instant noodles.

"Lili I-"

"Lisa." The woman corrected her, still chewing.

"Lili." Jennie continued to call her by the nickname she tried to give Lisa.


Jennie smiled, pleased with the progress she was making. "Does that mean I can call you 'Lili', then?"


"But you called me Jen!"

"We've been through this, Miss Kim. My name is Lisa."

Jennie frowned, "Can you stop that?"

"Stop what?"

"Calling me Miss Kim. It sounds so distant and formal."

Lisa shrugged, "That's your name."

"Can't you at least call me by my first name?"

"Then call me Lisa."

"What about Liam?" Jennie smirked, referring back to the name that Lisa had first introduced herself as.


Jennie sulked, "I'm going to call you Lili then."

"I won't answer then."

"But why? What's so bad about 'Lili'?"

"Nothing, other than the fact that my name is Lisa."

Jennie rolled her eyes and decided to steer away from the topic for now, "Are we going down to the station today?"


"What for?" Jennie asked, trying to start a conversation with her.

"What do you think?"

"Right." Jennie nodded, "Anywhere else?"

Lisa swallowed her food before replying, "To that 'creepy' neighbour of yours."

"Okay, how long do you think we'll take?"

"How would I know?" Lisa asked, irritated by all the questions. She just wanted to eat her noodles in peace.

"Well, you kinda do these things all the time?"

She sighed quietly, "Depends if he co-operates with us or not." She then turned back to her food, hinting at Jennie that she did not want to talk anymore, something that Jennie noticed but ignored anyway.

"Are you always this cold?"

"Of course not." Lisa smirked to herself. "I'm hot."

Jennie laughed loudly, she didn't know that Lisa, the human ice cube was actually capable of making jokes.

"Which means you can be nice too, right?"

Lisa shrugged, to which Jennie took as a yes.

"Well then... If we finish things a little early..." Jennie continued slowly, she had been itching to go to the mall for days now, to buy some new clothes since most of her old ones were left back at her apartment and since she thought that maybe she could get Lisa to warm up to her a bit more, she had thought of a brilliant idea of shopping together. That way, Jennie could give her some advice on clothes and vice versa and maybe even have girly chats, which means that by the end of the day, Lisa and her would practically be best friends and that means no more iceberg Lisa and new clothes. It was a win-win situation. Now, if only Jennie could somehow get Lisa to take her to the mall so that she could initiate her plan.

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