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“So it was Scarlett all along, I should’ve known.” Lisa's eyes darkened, “I always knew there was something about her that wasn’t quite right, and with a pistol? How original.”

“Uh… Lili, it wasn’t her.” Jennie told her gently.

“What do you mean!? I’m the detective here and according to my calculations-”

“You’re dead.”


“Looks like you’re losing your touch Detective.” Seulgi snickered.

“No.” Lisa furrowed her eyebrows, “I could’ve sworn-”

“Look, see?” Jennie held up the evidence displayed on a sheet of paper, “It wasn’t Scarlett. Sorry to tell you honey, but you guessed wrongly which means you’re dead.”

“This game is stupid.” Lisa threw her pencil down.

“Hey don’t complain, you were the one who wanted to play Cluedo in the first place.” Irene stated calmly.

“I made the wrong decision. This game is atrocious, there’s no plot, no depth and the characterisation is terrible.”

“Just because you lost.” Seulgi mumbled under her breath.

“Sorry, did I hear you say something?” Lisa looked at her menacingly.

“N-Not at all.” Seulgi swallowed nervously.

“That’s what I thought.” The detective stood up from her seat and stretched, “I’m going to grab some coffee, you want something, Jennie?”

Jennie shook her head, “I’m alright, thank you Lili.”

“Oh!” Seulgi perked up, “While you’re there, would you mind getting me a cup of-”

“Sorry, can’t hear you.” Lisa cut her off lazily before exiting the room.

“Hey! Lalisa!”

Jennie chuckled at the childish behaviour from the two.

“How do you put up with that everyday, Jennie!?” Seulgi grumbled.

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is, how can you date that devil of a detective!?”

“Don’t call her that.” Jennie told her sternly, “And Lili is…Lili. She’s… just…” She blushed, trailing off, “Yeah.”

“Woah.” Irene noticed the evident red cheeks, “You’ve got it bad.”

“Huh? No I I’ve always been like… this.”

“Yeah… you’ve got it reaaal bad but since you’ve been dating Lisa it’s gotten worse.”


“Come on, I can hardly even mention her name before you start- Ah see, there we go.” Irene pointed at the wide smile that Jennie was currently trying her hardest to hide.

“Oh sorry.” Jennie bit her lip, “Is it a bad thing?”

Irene chuckled, “No I’m just saying that you seem to love her a lot. It’s cute how you still react the same way as the first day you fell in love with her even though it’s been months already.”

“Yeah… like smiling like a creep whenever one of us mentions her.” Seulgi added.

“I do not!”

“You totally do. Look, Lisa.”

A smile automatically etched on her face before she realised that she had just proved Seulgi's point right. “Okay, try again. I definitely won’t do it this time.”

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now