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The next morning, Lisa and Jennie were back at the station. They were there earlier than normal but seeing the somewhat anxious look on Lisa's face, Jennie didn’t comment. As soon as they’d entered the building, Lisa had headed straight for Sana's office.

“Sana, found anything yet?” Was the first thing that Lisa said when she entered the younger woman’s office, followed by Jennie shortly afterwards.

“Good morning to you too, Li.” Sana glanced up from the computer.

“Sorry, morning.”

Sana smiled slightly before turning her computer screen so that it was now facing Lisa, revealing the progress she had made, “I’m still working on tracing the location. I’m afraid you’ll have to come back later.”

Lisa inwardly groaned because she had practically spent a sleepless night thinking about the tracker and wondering whether this would actually lead them to Ludo’s hiding place once and for all. She knew she couldn’t blame Sana though because the woman was already doing as best as she could.

“Meanwhile, maybe you can investigate this company instead?”

Lisa's ears pricked, “What company?”

“The name of the company that made the tracking device.” Sana clicked on a file to view the photograph she had taken, “It’s engraved on the body of it, see?” She said, pointing to the inscription Lisa hadn’t noticed before.

“Strider & Co.” Lisa read.

“And this is supposed to be a big-chain franchise?” Jennie commented, although she hadn’t heard of the name before.

“I’ve done some research; it seems to be one of those hole-in-the-wall hardware stores on the outskirts of Seoul owned by a middle-aged man named Louie Crawford.” Sana told her, “Maybe ‘company’ was an overstatement.”

‘If it’s one of those stores that people hardly visit then there’s a great chance the shopkeeper would know who’s been there and who hasn’t, right?’ Lisa thought briefly before grabbing her car keys. “Sana, could you text me the address?”

Sana nodded.

“Also, when the dynamic duo gets here, tell them to investigate this Louie guy. I want to know what sort people he’s associated with.”

“I’m assuming you mean Seulgi and Irene.” Sana smiled, “I’ll tell them that.”

“Thanks.” Lisa turned and gestured Jennie to follow her, which the brunette did so after saying quick goodbye to Sana.

“Oh, by the way Li, are you still using Rosey's car?”

Lisa turned her head slightly, “Yeah, why?”

“Perhaps it’s best if you park the car some way away from the store, just in case.” Sana advised, “Be careful.”
“Roger that.” Lisa said, raising two fingers in the air in a sort of salute before leaving the office.


“So after this place, we’ll go check if Sana's-” Lisa paused when she realized no one was responding to her. She turned her head to find Jennie trying to catch up with a hand clamped around her mouth.

“Are you okay?” Lisa asked her, furrowing her eyebrows.

Jennie nodded, hand still covering her nose and mouth.

“Why are you doing that?” Lisa gestured at Jennie's hand. “Do I smell or something?”

Jennie shook her head furiously, with her free hand, she pointed to the figure ahead of them – A man leaning against the wall and smoking.

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