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“Hey.” Lisa swallowed the food and frowned at the untouched plate which sat just a few centimetres from her reach. “You should eat something.”

“I’m not really hungry, thanks Lili.” Jennie gave her a weak smile, one which didn’t reach her eyes.

“How about a few mouthfuls? I think you need the energy.” Lisa commented, dismissing the fact that she had spent all evening trying to make the perfect meal in hopes of cheering Jennie up a little bit. “It hasn’t killed me yet… so I’m guessing it’s safe to eat.”

Jennie laughed for the first time since they came back from her old apartment complex. She picked up her fork and gingerly sliced the lasagne with it before placing a piece in her mouth.

“It’s good.” She commented.


Jennie nodded.

“Eat some more then.”

Jennie did. The two finished their meals in silence.

When they were done, Jennie helped Lisa clear the plates and together, they quietly washed the dishes.

For Lisa, it was odd that the atmosphere wasn’t filled with Jennie's loud, bubbly personality. She knew that the brunette was only trying desperately to grasp onto the possibility that her uncle was Ludo. Lisa couldn’t blame her, although the unfathomable hatred that swirled inside her for the suspect remained, she couldn’t help but feel bad for the older woman when she heard the news.

They made their way to the living room where Jennie took a seat on the couch as Lisa decided to turn on the T.V to fill the soundless environment with at least some background noise.

Breaking news, tonight on CNN News the identity of Ludo may finally be revealed. Police have infiltrated into the apartment of 43-year-old Gong Yoo Kim to find-”

“Already?” Lisa muttered under her breath as she silenced the T.V.

She gave a quick, concerned glance at the woman whose eyes never left the now-black screen. The ghost of the reporter situated beside a picture of the man whom she had loved so much lingered at the back of her mind.
“I’m sorry.” Lisa apologised, “I forgot how quick the media can be.”

“It’s okay. I’m fine.” Jennie replied almost robotically. The tone of her voice indicated that she was anything but fine.

Lisa took a seat beside Jennie, throwing her crutches to the side as she did so.

“Nothing’s been confirmed yet.” She said, although she knew better. With evidence as clear as day right in front of them, it was highly unlikely that the police were wrong. Yet somehow, she wanted nothing more than to tell Jennie, to convince her that Gong yoo wasn’t the suspect, that she needn’t to hurt anymore.

“He’s not a bad person.” It surprised even Jennie that her voice cracked. The uncle she had always looked up to couldn’t possibly be the cold-hearted killer that was wanted by the nation. There was just no way… no way could he, who had wholeheartedly brought her up from birth be someone as sick as Ludo.

“Jennie...” Lisa didn’t want to say it out loud, that the person closest to her was actually someone who was systematically plotting her demise.

“Lili…He’s not…” Jennie breathed, “I’m sorry, I can’t-“ She felt hot tears welling in her eyes, the knot in her throat prevented her from finishing her sentence.

Lisa said nothing, for she didn’t know how to respond. She couldn’t sugar-coat lies in order to make her feel better, nothing good will come out of that. She slowly and hesitantly wrapped her arms around Jennie in hopes that maybe she could provide her some physical comfort in replacement for the lack of verbal.

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now