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“Oh? Lisa? Jennie? You’re here early, I was expecting-“

The two of them ignored the officer as they walked past her and into their respective rooms.

“Wha-“ Irene eyed the woman that was entering the interrogation room. She followed after her, not without sparing a glance at the brunette who had already gone inside Sana's office.

“Where is he?” Lisa asked, directing her question at no-one in particular, “Someone pass me the reports, we should get started on-“

“W-Wait.” Irene interrupted the detective.

Lisa looked at her, “What?”

“What’s happened?”

“What do you mean what happened? You called me, didn’t you? And now I’m here.”

Irene folded her arms, “You know what I mean.”

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows, “No I do not know what you mean. Now if you’ll just pass me the reports for Gong Yoo Kim then we can all get on with our business.”

“Lisa, I’m not stupid. Something happened between you and Jennie. I saw the way you two avoided each other as soon as you got out the car.”

“W-What?” Lisa was taken aback slightly by the hawk-like eyes of her colleague. She cleared her voice, “Nothing happened.”

“Look, you can tell me, you know.”

“I already told you. Nothing happened.”



“Why are you getting so worked up then?”

Lisa stopped. For once, her normally quick-witted brain couldn’t think of an explanation.

“Okay, so something did happen.” Irene concluded, “Care to elaborate?”

Lisa sighed, contemplating whether what happened with her and Jennie was worth bringing up.

“Come on, Li.” Irene coaxed.

Lisa glanced quickly around the empty room, “Where’s Rosé and the others?”

“Observing him.”

“In interrogation 2?”

Irene nodded.

Lisa hesitated before giving Irene a brief explanation of why she and Jennie were on semi-bad terms. She told her about the kiss and the way she pulled away afterwards from Jennie.



“You’re an idiot.”

“You’re one to talk.”

Irene shrugged, “At least I’m not dense. I can’t say that it was surprising, we’ve talked about the possibility of why she’s so interested in you before, haven’t we?”

Lisa said nothing.

“So I’m guessing you haven’t spoken to her since yesterday?”

Lisa shook her head, “She’s been ignoring me.”

“I can’t say I blame her.” Irene stated, “You’re kinda a jerk, you know?”

The detective glared at the officer.

“What?” Irene said defensively, “It’s true, isn’t it? You have to talk to her about it. Offer her at least an explanation.”

“How can I when she’s been blanking me all day?”

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now