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Days have passed ever since the discovery of the 'heart' in the treasure box. After careful analysis, Lisa and Jennie were told that it was not a human heart but in fact, a sheep heart.

Lisa had apologised profusely about not being able to prevent the incident from happening and swore that she would not allow Ludo anywhere near Jennie, which surprised the brunette greatly for the woman had not expected that Lisa actually cared about her but nevertheless smiled and told her it was okay.

Ever since then, Lisa was especially careful when it came to Jennie and wasn't as unfriendly as she had been when Jennie first met her. However she still refused to talk about herself which frustrated Jennie but she had learned to be patient when it came to Lisa.

By the end of the week-long router, Jennie had forgotten that she was to part with Lisa so that another officer could take her place and supervise her. When Rosé brought the subject up, it came as a complete shock. She should've been happy. In fact, a week ago, she would've grinned and loudly celebrated but now, things have changed.

Jennie began to grow accustomed to the way Lisa did things and noticed a lot about the woman that she had never realised she did before. For example the weird way Lisa held her chopsticks or the way the woman sometimes fell asleep on the couch after a long day of work, not even bothering to take a few more steps to reach the bedroom. It was at times like these that Jennie would giggle and go into the cupboard where she knew Lisa kept the spare blankets before appearing by Lisa's side and draping the blanket over the sleeping figure, all the while thinking how lazy Lisa was at home despite being such a serious hard-worker at the station. Jennie liked that about Lisa, how the woman could separate herself to two extreme opposites from her private life and her professional life.

What she liked most was the fact that she was one of those rare people who was able to see the real Lalisa Manoban in the comfort of her own home, not just the professional renowned detective knew her by.

She should be happy to be finally leaving Lisa and her laziness/coldness behind but the weird thing was, she wasn't.

So when Rosé had asked her if there was an officer in mind that she wanted to stay with, Jennie had blurted out Lisa, much to the surprise of everyone in the room.

She really didn't want to admit but... she wanted to stay with Lisa. The woman was the only person Jennie trusted.

"Um, Jen, are you saying that you still want to stay with Lisa for the time being?" Rosé asked her again to make sure that Jennie hadn't accidently said the woman's name.

"You actually want to stay with that iceberg for longer!?" Seulgi's eyebrows shot up in shock.

Jennie nodded shyly, "Is it okay?"

"S-Sure, but we'll have confirm with Lisa first." Rosé was utterly baffled, just a week ago, Jennie was begging for her to assign a different officer to supervise her yet here Jennie was, actually asking Rosé if she could stay with Lisa for longer.

The door opened and in walked said black haired woman with hair tousled thanks to the outside wind. For some reason, Jennie found the windswept hair... sexy.

"Darn wind." Lisa mumbled before taking a seat next to Jennie and looking at her with deep brown eyes, "So what's happening? What did I miss?"

Jennie quickly looked down at her lap and blushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed that she had chosen to stay with Lisa instead of switching to another officer like the initial plan.

Rosé cleared her throat, "Jennie says she wants to stay with you, Lisa."

"She what?" Lisa turned her attention to Rosé.

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now