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“Finally! Some real food!” Jennie exclaimed happily, a grin stretching from ear to ear.

Lisa watched silently as the brunette beside her took a bite out of the toasted sandwich they had just bought. ‘Perhaps we really did need a change of food. Maybe instant noodles everyday isn’t such a good thing.’ The woman made a mental note to try and make different varieties of food from now on as she watched Jennie take another bite from the toasty, fresh cheese oozing out the edges as she did so.

“This is so good!” Jennie hummed in satisfaction, she then offered her toasty to Lisa, “Want some?”

Lisa shook her head, “You have it.”

“Are you sure? I’ve practically eaten the whole thing.”

“I know.” Lisa had to smile in amusement, watching Jennie wolf down the sandwich like no tomorrow was somehow interesting, “You can have the rest.”

“If you say so.” Jennie grinned, taking another bite, “Where are we going after this?”

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows, “I only said we were going grocery shopping.”

“Aw, but look at how cute that dress is!” Jennie quickly changed the subject.

Before Lisa knew it, Jennie had already frolicked towards the said dress, leaving Lisa hobbling behind with her crutches.

“Hey! Get back here, stupid!”

Jennie ignored the insult as she picked up the dress from the rack and pressed it against her body, she turned to show Lisa, “What do you think?”

“It’s ugly.” Lisa commented right away, annoyed that Jennie had just left her back there.

“You didn’t even look at it.”

Lisa shrugged, taking a small glance.

‘Not bad.’

Jennie pouted at the unsatisfactory reaction, “Then what do you think will look nice on me?”

Lisa froze. “What… do you mean?”

“If you don’t like this dress then which do you like?” Jennie asked, genuinely wondering about Lisa's clothing taste as the woman was always wearing her detective uniform covered by a trench coat.

“Why do you care anyway?” Lisa asked, looking away to hide the small tint of crimson in her cheeks.

“I just wanted to know.” Jennie answered innocently. “So which dress will look the best on me?”

Lisa stayed silent, giving Jennie an incredulous look.

“Come on, Lili, what kind of clothes do you like?”

Lisa sighed.

“I guess…” Lisa mumbled as she walked closer to a certain rack and picked out a flowery white dress. She held it out to Jennie, eyes refusing to look up. “This will suit you.” She said in a small voice.

“Huh?” Jennie thought she heard wrong, she hadn’t actually expected Lisa to pick something out for her. “This one?” She pointed to the dress Lisa recommended.

Lisa nodded slowly.

“Do you think I’ll look nice in it?” Jennie asked, eyes twinkling slightly. She didn’t understand why she wouldn’t normally care about other people’s opinion yet when it came to Lisa's, she seemed to value every single view the woman had.

Lisa, who’d noticed the look in Jennie's eyes, looked away, “I’m… not answering that.” she then turned and started to walk away on her crutches.

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now