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Ever since Tiffany's death a few days ago Lisa was still sitting in the same place, by the window in her apartment, in the dark. She had barely spoken a word to the worried Jennie, claiming that she needed some time to think. Jennie had reluctantly complied and respected her wishes by not disturbing her, although she never failed to bring Lisa food and drinks every hour or so in hopes that Lisa would maintain her health which thankfully, she did. Jennie had observed the still woman over the past few days although Lisa never seemed to leave her position except to use the bathroom and to shower. It had gone on for long enough to the point where Jennie couldn't bear to see Lisa like that any longer; she'd decided that Lisa had had enough time to think already.


Jennie approached the silent figure and sat herself down onto the seat opposite Lisa.

Lisa didn't spare her a second of a glance but instead, continued to stare outside the window.

Jennie sighed; she had expected that much from the woman. She desperately wanted to help Lisa in any way that she could or maybe comfort her, even if it were in the slightest, even in the minutest way possible, she wished she could help.

"I know you're still thinking about things but please..." Jennie bit her lip, "Don't keep it all to yourself; the problem will only continue to eat you up if you don't let it out."

Lisa said nothing.

"I'm sorry." Jennie looked down and smiled sadly, "You must think I'm a nuisance, huh?"

Finally, Lisa looked at her.

"If it weren't for me, all those people wouldn't have died or gotten injured. This wouldn't have happened. If it weren't for the fact that you and everybody else is protecting me and trying to find leads to-"

"Stop." Lisa spoke to her for the first time in days, her voice was gruff and huskier than Jennie had last remembered. "Don't ever blame yourself for something that isn't your fault."

"But it's true." Jenn looked up, "If I hadn't-"

"It's not your fault." Lisa said firmly, "You don't need to apologise."

"Yes I do." Jennie murmured, "I constantly bother you yet you don't say a thing, I get in the way of your work and I..." Jennie stopped when she felt something warm threatening to fall from her eyes. Her hand reached up to wipe away whatever it was before it fell and was surprised to find her own tears.

"Sorry, I don't know what's gotten over me." Jennie laughed shakily, she didn't realise that Lisa had this much of an effect on her.

Lisa looked at her for a few seconds, her hand reached up and hesitantly wiped Jennie's cheeks that were now a little stained from tears.

"Don't cry. I should be the one apologising, not you. You don't bother me. Honest. I may get a bit annoyed at times but that's not because of you but because of the stress taking over. I snap at you because you're the only one that's there for me to vent my anger on."

Jennie just looked at the Lisa, her eyebrows rising a little, "Then can you tell me what you're thinking about right now?"

She noticed Lisa's jaw clenching as the woman turned away and stared outside the window like before.

"I..." Lisa began in a quiet voice, "There are a lot of things that are running through my mind right now."

Jennie stayed quiet and waited for Lisa to continue.

"I'm thinking about how I can't seem to figure Ludo out. I'm thinking about how he's so unpredictable and how we can find a killer that's slowly destroying all our leads and evidence. I'm wondering if we'll ever be able to find him." Lisa said, "Not only that...but I'm also thinking about you."

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