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Lisa watched from behind the one-sided mirror as Seulgi questioned the young man who kept his head low the entire time. Seulgi and Taehyung had been in the interrogation room for at least two hours now yet still, he refused to speak.

"Mr. Kim, if you choose not to co-operate with the police then I'm afraid we can charge you. You don't want that, do you?" Seulgi said gently with a hint of firmness in her voice. Taehyung said nothing, frustrating even Seulgi, who was normally patient.

"He's not talking." Lisa clenched her jaw, they weren't going anywhere at this rate. She grabbed a bunch of files from the table next to her and flicked through them hastily, searching for something that could make Taehyung talk. "We can't afford to waste time. The police can only keep him detained for up to 24 hours. It's been almost 16 hours. We have to get any information we can before then."

Jennie, who had been sitting in the corner, observed Lisa silently.

Seulgi sighed and looked at the mirror with tired eyes, knowing that Lisa was watching them from the other side.

"I'm going in." Lisa mumbled, clutching the files in her hand.

Jennie got up from her seat almost immediately, "Should I come with-"

"No." Lisa cut her off, "You stay here."

"But I-"

"Look, Jennie, I understand that this may be new and perhaps exciting for you but interrogating a suspect is not all it seems, okay? It's not like in the movies where they bang the tables and yell at the subject until they confess." Lisa ran a hand through her hair, annoyed. She didn't need this after spending the agonizing 2 hours waiting for Taehyung to utter a word. "Just let me do my work."

"I..." Jennie sat down slowly and bit her lip, "Sorry." 'She's mad... I made her angry.'

Lisa left the room without another word, leaving Jennie alone briefly before the door opened again and Seulgi entered.

"That has got to be the most frustrating interrogation I've ever experienced." Seulgi said as she sat down beside Jennie.

Jennie stayed quiet, her mind still thinking about how she had made Lisa angry a second ago.

Seulgi lifted an eyebrow after receiving no reply from the brunette, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Jennie reassured her before giving her a weak smile.

Seulgi noticed this but decided not to question her since it seemed like Jennie didn't want to elaborate any further.


"Mr. Taehyung, care to explain why the tracker lead back to your apartment?"

Lisa sat with her arms crossed, staring at the clearly nervous young man from the opposite end of the table and waiting for him to speak.
Another 5 minutes passed by and still, nothing was said by either of them.

"Or perhaps why you were going through Miss Kim's trash a few nights ago?"

Taehyung said nothing.

"Is there no explanation, Mr. Taehyung?" Lisa asked him, "Nothing to say for yourself? No words to deny a thing? If you keep going at this rate and refuse to answer my questions then I'll be right to assume that you're somehow associated with Ludo."

The room behind the mirror stayed silent as Seulgi and Jennie sat at the edges of their seats, thinking that Taehyung was going to crack soon. The door opened and Irene entered.

"Any progress?" Irene asked the two of them.

Seulgi shook her head and kept her eyes on the interrogation next door, "Still not talking."

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now